Source code for qopt.transfer_function

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#     qopt
#     Copyright (C) 2020 Julian Teske, Forschungszentrum Juelich
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"""Models the response function of control electronics and pulse smoothing.

Due to the imperfection of the control electronics, the generated control pulse
which is received by the physical qubit is not exactly the pulse which has been
implemented at the control level.

If for example a voltage is changed from one
value to another at a single point in time at the control level, then the
control electronics might need some time to physically reach the new voltage.

Another example would be an amplifier, which has a non-linearity in the
amplification of a control pulse.

There are two kinds of transfer functions. Those who are based on transfer
matrices and those who are not. In principle every transfer function can be
expressed as a matrix multiplication because it is linear by definition,
but the transfer function will have n_time ** 2 entries which might be huge
number if you consider a control pulse with a large number n_time of time
steps. Therefore it is advantageous to use the matrix based transfer functions
for small pulses with a lot of correlations.

The matrix based transfer function have their own classes for concatenation
and parallel application.

See Also

Optimal control methods for rapidly time-varying Hamiltonians, 2011
Motzoi, F. and Gambetta, J. M. and Merkel, S. T. and Wilhelm, F. K.

    Abstract base class.

    Optimization variables are the amplitudes of the control fields.

    Oversamples the pulse and adds boundary conditions.

    Applies a Gaussian convolution.

    Concatenation of two transfer functions.

    Using to transfer functions for two sets of parameters in paralell.

    Abstract base class for transfer functions as matrices.

    Matrix version of OversamplingTF.

    Transfer function which receives an explicitly constructed constant
    transfer matrix.

    Matrix version of ConcatenateTF.

    Matrix version of ParallelTF.

    The amplitudes are smoothed by exponential saturation functions.

    Exponential saturation function.

The implementation was inspired by the optimal control package of QuTiP [1]_
(Quantum Toolbox in Python)

.. [1] J. R. Johansson, P. D. Nation, and F. Nori: "QuTiP 2: A Python framework
    for the dynamics of open quantum systems.", Comp. Phys. Comm. 184, 1234
    (2013) [DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2012.11.019].


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.special
import scipy.ndimage
import copy
from typing import Tuple, Optional, Union, Sequence
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

from qopt.util import deprecated, needs_refactoring

[docs]class TransferFunction(ABC): """ A class for representing transfer functions, between optimization variables of the optimization algorithm and the amplitudes of the control fields. The intended workflow is to initialise the transfer function object first and subsequently set the x_times, which is the time scale of the optimization variables. Then the transfer function is called to calculate control amplitudes and gradients. Examples -------- Example work flow with the abstract base class: >>> x_times = np.ones(5) >>> optimization_variables = np.random.rand(5) >>> gradient_fidelity_by_control_amplitudes = np.random.rand(shape=(30,5)) >>> transfer_function = TransferFunction(oversampling=5, >>> bound_type=('x', 1)) >>> transfer_function.set_times(x_times) >>> control_amplitudes = transfer_function(optimization_variables) >>> gradient_fidelity_by_optimization_variables = \ >>> transfer_function.gradient_chain_rule( >>> gradient_fidelity_by_control_amplitudes) Parameters ---------- num_ctrls: int Number of controlled amplitudes. oversampling: int Each time step of the optimization variables is sliced into a number of time steps of the control amplitudes. bound_type: (str, int) The pulse can be padded with zeros (before adding the offset) to avoid bleedthrough i.e. that the pulses overlap slightly and thereby influence each other. The string states, whether you want to pad before or after the oversampling or just to the end of the pulse. The integer specifies the amount of padding elements (also depending on the code of course). If not all time steps have the same length: Let dt denote the first (or respectively last) time duration when you are padding to the beginning (end) of the sequence. string options: "n": n extra slice of dt/overSampleRate "x": n extra slice of dt (default with n=1) "right_n": n extra slice of dt/overSampleRage on the right side offset: float Constant offset which is added to the optimization parameters. Attributes ---------- num_ctrls: int Number of controlled amplitudes. oversampling: int Each time step of the optimization variables is sliced into a number of time steps of the control amplitudes. bound_type: (str, int) or None The pulse can be padded with zeros (before adding the offset) to avoid bleedthrough i.e. that the pulses overlap slightly and thereby influence each other. The string states, whether you want to pad before or after the oversampling or just to the end of the pulse. The integer specifies the amount of padding elements (also depending on the code of course). If not all time steps have the same length: Let dt denote the first (or respectively last) time duration when you are padding to the beginning (end) of the sequence. string options: "n": n extra slice of dt/overSampleRate "x": n extra slice of dt (default with n=1) "right_n": n extra slice of dt/overSampleRage on the right side offset: float Constant offset which is added to the optimization parameters. num_x: int Number of time slices of the transferred optimization variables. x_times: array, shape (num_u) Time values for the transferred optimization parameters. These describe the length of the time slices. _num_y: int Number of time slices of the raw optimization variables. _y_times: array, shape (num_x) Time values for the raw control variables. These describe the length of the time slices. _absolute_y_times : array_like, shape (num_x + 1) Absolute times of the raw optimization variables. The values describe the point in time where a time slice ends and the next one begins. Methods ------- __call__(y): Application of the transfer function. transfer_matrix: property, returns array, shape (num_x, num_y, num_par) Returns the transfer matrix. num_padding_elements: property, returns list Two elements list with the number of elements padded to the beginning and end, as specified by the bound type. set_times(times): Set the times of the optimization variables and calculates the times of the optimization variables. set_absolute_times(absolute_y_times): Set the absolute times (time points of beginning and ending a time step) of the optimization variables. plot_pulse(y): For the raw optimisation variables (y), plot the resulting pulse. `Todo` * bound type seems to be buggy. test with exp_transfer * parse bound_type to raise exception only in one function. * add exception to the docstring """ def __init__(self, num_ctrls: int = 1, bound_type: Optional[Tuple[str, int]] = None, oversampling: int = 1, offset: Optional[float] = None ): self.num_ctrls = num_ctrls self.bound_type = bound_type self.oversampling = oversampling self.offset = offset self._transfer_matrix = None # num_y is set, by setting the time self._num_y = 0 self._y_times = None self._absolute_y_times = None # num_x is calculated when setting the time self.num_x = 0 self.x_times = None @abstractmethod def __call__(self, y: np.array) -> np.array: """Calculate the transferred optimization parameters (x). Evaluates the transfer function at the raw optimization parameters (y) to calculate the transferred optimization parameters (x). Parameters ---------- y: np.array, shape (num_y, num_par) Raw optimization variables; num_y is the number of time slices of the raw optimization parameters and num_par is the number of distinct raw optimization parameters. Returns ------- u: np.array, shape (num_x, num_par) Control parameters; num_u is the number of times slices for the transferred optimization parameters. """ pass @property def num_padding_elements(self) -> (int, int): """ Convenience function. Returns the number of elements padded to the beginning and the end of the control amplitude times. Returns ------- num_padding_elements: (int, int) (elements padded to the beginning, elements padded to the end) """ if self.bound_type is None: return 0, 0 elif self.bound_type[0] == 'n': return self.bound_type[1], self.bound_type[1] elif self.bound_type[0] == 'x': return self.bound_type[1] * self.oversampling, \ self.bound_type[1] * self.oversampling elif self.bound_type[0] == 'right_n': return 0, self.bound_type[1] else: raise ValueError('Unknown bound type ' + str(self.bound_type[0]))
[docs] @abstractmethod def gradient_chain_rule( self, deriv_by_transferred_par: np.array) -> np.array: """ Obtain the derivatives of a quantity a i.e. da/dy by the optimization variables from the derivatives by the amplitude of the control fields. The chain rule applies: df/dy = df/dx * dx/dy. Parameters ---------- deriv_by_transferred_par: np.array, shape (num_x, num_f, num_par) The gradients of num_f functions by num_par optimization parameters at num_x different time steps. Returns ------- deriv_by_opt_par: np.array, shape: (num_y, num_f, num_par) The derivatives by the optimization parameters at num_y time steps. """ pass
[docs] def set_times(self, y_times: np.array) -> None: """ Generate the time_slot duration array 'transferred_time' (here: x_times). The time slices depend on the oversampling of the control variables and the boundary conditions. The times are for the intended use cases only set once. Parameters ---------- y_times: Union[np.ndarray, list], shape (num_y) The time steps / durations of constant optimization variables. num_y is the number of time steps for the raw optimization variables. """ if isinstance(y_times, list): y_times = np.array(y_times) if not isinstance(y_times, np.ndarray): raise Exception("times must be a list or np.array") y_times = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(y_times)) if len(y_times.shape) > 1: raise ValueError('The x_times should not have more than one ' 'dimension!') self._num_y = y_times.size self._y_times = y_times if self.bound_type is None: self.num_x = self.oversampling * self._num_y self.x_times = np.repeat( self._y_times, self.oversampling) / self.oversampling elif self.bound_type[0] == 'n': self.num_x = self.oversampling * self._num_y + 2 \ * self.bound_type[1] self.x_times = np.concatenate(( self._y_times[0] / self.oversampling * np.ones(self.bound_type[1]), np.repeat( self._y_times / self.oversampling, self.oversampling), self._y_times[-1] / self.oversampling * np.ones(self.bound_type[1]))) elif self.bound_type[0] == 'x': self.num_x = self.oversampling * (self._num_y + 2 * self.bound_type[1]) self.x_times = np.concatenate(( self._y_times[0] / self.oversampling * np.ones(self.bound_type[1] * self.oversampling), np.repeat(self._y_times / self.oversampling, self.oversampling), self._y_times[-1] / self.oversampling * np.ones(self.bound_type[1] * self.oversampling))) elif self.bound_type[0] == 'right_n': self.num_x = self.oversampling * self._num_y + self.bound_type[1] self.x_times = np.concatenate(( np.repeat(self._y_times / self.oversampling, self.oversampling), self._y_times[-1] / self.oversampling * np.ones(self.bound_type[1]))) else: raise ValueError('The boundary type ' + str(self.bound_type[0]) + ' is not implemented!')
[docs] def set_absolute_times(self, absolute_y_times: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Generate the time_slot duration array 'transferred_time' (here: x_times) This time slices depend on the oversampling of the control variables and the boundary conditions. The differences of the absolute times give the time steps x_times. Parameters ---------- absolute_y_times: Union[np.ndarray, list] Absolute times of the start / end of each time segment for the raw optimization parameters. """ if isinstance(absolute_y_times, list): absolute_y_times = np.array(absolute_y_times) if not isinstance(absolute_y_times, np.ndarray): raise Exception("times must be a list or np.array") if not np.all(np.diff(absolute_y_times) >= 0): raise Exception("times must be sorted") self._absolute_y_times = absolute_y_times self.set_times(np.diff(absolute_y_times))
[docs] def plot_pulse(self, y: np.array) -> None: """ Plot the control amplitudes corresponding to the given optimisation variables. Parameters ---------- y: array, shape (num_y, num_par) Raw optimization parameters. """ x = self(y) n_padding_start, n_padding_end = self.num_padding_elements for y_per_control, x_per_control in zip(y.T, x.T): plt.figure() - .5 * self.x_times[0], x_per_control, self.x_times[0]) - .5 * self._y_times[0] + np.cumsum(self.x_times)[n_padding_start] - self.x_times[n_padding_start], y_per_control, self._y_times[0], fill=False)
def _check_dimensions_datatype(self, y: np.array) -> None: """ This function verifies that the transfer function can be applied to the pulse y. For this purpose, the shape and the data type of y must fit the transfer function. Parameters ---------- y: np.array, shape (num_y, num_par) Raw optimization variables; num_y is the number of time slices of the raw optimization parameters and num_par is the number of distinct raw optimization parameters. Raises ------ IndexError: is raised when the pulse has the wrong dimensions. TypeError: is raised when the pulse has the wrong data type. RuntimeError: is raised when the transfer function is not yet properly initialised. """ # check that the transfer function is correctly initialised. if self._y_times is None: raise RuntimeError( 'The times are not set to this instance of transfer functions.' 'Please use the function TransferFunction.set_times before ' 'you continue.' ) # check for the correct data type: if not y.dtype in [np.float64, np.float32]: raise TypeError( 'The transfer function assumes an input pulse as numpy array' 'of the dtype np.float32 or np.float64 but the given input' 'has type: ' + str(y.dtype) ) # check for the correct data dimensions shape = y.shape if not len(shape) == 2: raise IndexError( 'The input data pulse must be a numpy array with 2 dimensions,' 'but your pulse has ' + str(len(shape)) + ' dimensions.' ) if not shape[0] == self._num_y: raise IndexError( 'The pulse data must have exactly as many entries as there are' 'time steps. You have ' + str(self._num_y) + ' time steps but there are ' + str(shape[0]) + 'entries in your pulse. Please make sure that you have set the' 'time steps correctly.' ) if not shape[1] == self.num_ctrls: raise IndexError( 'The pulse data must have exactly as many pulses as there are' 'control signals. You initialised this transfer function for' + str(self.num_ctrls) + 'control signals but your pulse data has ' + str(shape[1]) + 'control pulses. Please make sure you set the parameter' 'num_ctrls correctly when initializing the transfer function.' )
[docs]class IdentityTF(TransferFunction): """Numerically efficient identity transfer function which does not change pulse nor time steps. Base class functions __call__ and gradient_chane_rule are reimplemented in order to avoid setting a transfer matrix. """ def __init__(self, num_ctrls=1): super().__init__( bound_type=None, oversampling=1, num_ctrls=num_ctrls, offset=0. ) = 'Identity' def __call__(self, y: np.array) -> np.array: """See base class. """ return y
[docs] def gradient_chain_rule( self, deriv_by_transferred_par: np.array) -> np.array: """See base class. """ return deriv_by_transferred_par
class OversamplingTF(TransferFunction): """ Handles oversampling and boundaries without transfer matrix. This function is destined to be used for the oversampling and the boundary functions for all transfer functions which do not compute a transfer matrix. See Also -------- Base Class """ def __init__(self, num_ctrls: int = 1, bound_type: Optional[Tuple[str, int]] = None, oversampling: int = 1 ): super().__init__( num_ctrls=num_ctrls, bound_type=bound_type, oversampling=oversampling ) def _calculate_transfer_matrix(self): """Overrides the base class method. """ raise NotImplementedError def __call__(self, y: np.array) -> np.array: """Calculate the transferred optimization parameters (x). Only the oversampling and boundaries are taken into account. Parameters ---------- y: np.array, shape (num_y, num_par) Raw optimization variables; num_y is the number of time slices of the raw optimization parameters and num_par is the number of distinct raw optimization parameters. Returns ------- u: np.array, shape (num_x, num_par) Control parameters; num_u is the number of times slices for the transferred optimization parameters. """ self._check_dimensions_datatype(y) # oversample pulse by repetition u = np.repeat(y, self.oversampling, axis=0) # add the padding elements padding_start, padding_end = self.num_padding_elements u = np.concatenate( (np.zeros((padding_start, self.num_ctrls)), u, np.zeros((padding_end, self.num_ctrls))), axis=0) return u def gradient_chain_rule( self, deriv_by_transferred_par: np.array) -> np.array: """ See base class. Processing without transfer matrix. Parameters ---------- deriv_by_transferred_par: np.array, shape (num_x, num_f, num_par) The gradients of num_f functions by num_par optimization parameters at num_x different time steps. Returns ------- deriv_by_opt_par: np.array, shape: (num_y, num_f, num_par) The derivatives by the optimization parameters at num_y time steps. """ shape = deriv_by_transferred_par.shape assert len(shape) == 3 assert shape[0] == self.num_x assert shape[2] == self.num_ctrls # delete the padding elements padding_start, padding_end = self.num_padding_elements # deriv_by_ctrl_amps: shape (num_x, num_f, num_par) if padding_end > 0: cropped_derivs = deriv_by_transferred_par[ padding_start:-padding_end, :, :] else: cropped_derivs = deriv_by_transferred_par[ padding_start:, :, :] cropped_derivs = np.expand_dims(cropped_derivs, axis=1) cropped_derivs = np.reshape( cropped_derivs, ( self._num_y, self.oversampling, cropped_derivs.shape[2], cropped_derivs.shape[3] ) ) deriv_by_opt_par = np.sum(cropped_derivs, axis=1) return deriv_by_opt_par
[docs]class ConvolutionTF(TransferFunction): """ A convolution as filter function. This implementation uses the function scipy.ndimage.convolve. For oversampling and boundaries use this TransferFunction in combination with EfficientOversamplingTF and ConcatenateTF. Parameters ---------- """ def __init__(self, kernel: np.ndarray, mode: str = 'nearest', num_ctrls: int = 1, cval: float = 0.0): super().__init__(num_ctrls=num_ctrls) if len(kernel.shape) == 1: kernel = np.expand_dims(kernel, axis=1) assert len(kernel.shape) == 2 self.kernel = kernel self.mode = mode self.cval = cval def __call__(self, y: np.array) -> np.array: """ See base class. Evaluates the transfer function at the raw optimization parameters (y) to calculate the transferred optimization parameters (x). Parameters ---------- y: np.array, shape (num_y, num_par) Raw optimization variables; num_y is the number of time slices of the raw optimization parameters and num_par is the number of distinct raw optimization parameters. Returns ------- u: np.array, shape (num_x, num_par) Control parameters; num_u is the number of times slices for the transferred optimization parameters. """ self._check_dimensions_datatype(y) return scipy.ndimage.convolve( y, weights=self.kernel, mode=self.mode, cval=self.cval )
[docs] def gradient_chain_rule( self, deriv_by_transferred_par: np.array) -> np.array: """ See base class. The application of the chain rule is another convolution. Parameters ---------- deriv_by_transferred_par: np.array, shape (num_x, num_f, num_par) The gradients of num_f functions by num_par optimization parameters at num_x different time steps. Returns ------- deriv_by_opt_par: np.array, shape: (num_y, num_f, num_par) The derivatives by the optimization parameters at num_y time steps. """ shape = deriv_by_transferred_par.shape assert len(shape) == 3 assert shape[0] == self.num_x assert shape[2] == self.num_ctrls assert deriv_by_transferred_par.dtype in [np.float64, np.float32] return scipy.ndimage.convolve( deriv_by_transferred_par, weights=np.expand_dims(self.kernel, axis=1), cval=self.cval )
@property def transfer_matrix(self) -> np.array: """Overrides the base class method. """ raise NotImplementedError def _calculate_transfer_matrix(self): """Overrides the base class method. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class GaussianConvolution(TransferFunction): """ A gaussian convolution is applied as filter function. For oversampling and boundaries use this TransferFunction in combination with EfficientOversamplingTF and ConcatenateTF. The implementation makes use of the gaussian filter function in the scipy.ndimage package. Parameters ---------- sigma: float or sequence of float standard deviation for Gaussian kernel order: int, optional An order of 0 corresponds to convolution with a Gaussian kernel. A positive order corresponds to convolution with that derivative of a Gaussian. mode: {‘reflect’, ‘constant’, ‘nearest’, ‘mirror’, ‘wrap’}, optional The mode parameter determines how the input array is extended beyond its boundaries. Default is ‘reflect’. Behavior for each valid value is as follows: ‘reflect’ (d c b a | a b c d | d c b a) The input is extended by reflecting about the edge of the last pixel. ‘constant’ (k k k k | a b c d | k k k k) The input is extended by filling all values beyond the edge with the same constant value, defined by the cval parameter. ‘nearest’ (a a a a | a b c d | d d d d) The input is extended by replicating the last pixel. ‘mirror’ (d c b | a b c d | c b a) The input is extended by reflecting about the center of the last pixel. ‘wrap’ (a b c d | a b c d | a b c d) The input is extended by wrapping around to the opposite edge Default is 'nearest'. truncate: float, optinal Truncate the filter at this many standard deviations. Default is 4.0. """ def __init__(self, sigma: Union[float, Sequence[float]], num_ctrls=1, order: int = 0, mode: str = 'nearest', truncate: float = 4.): super().__init__(num_ctrls=num_ctrls) self.sigma = sigma self.order = order self.mode = mode self.truncate = truncate def __call__(self, y: np.array) -> np.array: """Calculate the transferred optimization parameters (x). Evaluates the transfer function at the raw optimization parameters (y) to calculate the transferred optimization parameters (x). Parameters ---------- y: np.array, shape (num_y, num_par) Raw optimization variables; num_y is the number of time slices of the raw optimization parameters and num_par is the number of distinct raw optimization parameters. Returns ------- u: np.array, shape (num_x, num_par) Control parameters; num_u is the number of times slices for the transferred optimization parameters. Raises ------ ValueError: Indicating that the data shape or type of the argument is incompatible with the transfer function configuration. """ self._check_dimensions_datatype(y) return scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter1d( y, self.sigma, axis=0, order=self.order, mode=self.mode, truncate=self.truncate )
[docs] def gradient_chain_rule( self, deriv_by_transferred_par: np.array) -> np.array: """ See base class. The application of the chain rule is another Gaussian filter. Parameters ---------- deriv_by_transferred_par: np.array, shape (num_x, num_f, num_par) The gradients of num_f functions by num_par optimization parameters at num_x different time steps. Returns ------- deriv_by_opt_par: np.array, shape: (num_y, num_f, num_par) The derivatives by the optimization parameters at num_y time steps. """ shape = deriv_by_transferred_par.shape assert len(shape) == 3 assert shape[0] == self.num_x assert shape[2] == self.num_ctrls assert deriv_by_transferred_par.dtype in [np.float64, np.float32] return scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter1d( deriv_by_transferred_par, self.sigma, axis=0, order=self.order, mode=self.mode, truncate=self.truncate )
@property def transfer_matrix(self) -> np.array: """Overrides the base class method. """ raise NotImplementedError def _calculate_transfer_matrix(self): """Overrides the base class method. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ConcatenateTF(TransferFunction): """ Concatenates transfer functions. This class can be used if there are two transfer functions which are to be applied one after another. For example if first the pulse generation and subsequently a pulse amplification shall be modeled. Parameters ---------- tf1: TransferFunction First matrix transfer function. This function operates directly on the optimization variables. tf2: TransferFunction Second matrix transfer function. This function operates on the output of the first transfer function. """ def __init__(self, tf1: TransferFunction, tf2: TransferFunction): offset = 0 for of in [tf1.offset, tf2.offset]: if of is not None: offset += of super().__init__( num_ctrls=tf1.num_ctrls, offset=offset, oversampling=tf1.oversampling * tf2.oversampling ) self.tf1 = tf1 self.tf2 = tf2 self._num_y = tf1._num_y self._y_times = tf1._y_times self.x_times = tf2.x_times self.num_x = tf2.num_x def __call__(self, y: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs): """Calls the concatenated transfer functions in sequence.""" self._check_dimensions_datatype(y) return self.tf2(self.tf1(y))
[docs] def gradient_chain_rule( self, deriv_by_transferred_par: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Applies the concatenation formula for both transfer functions.""" intermediate_gradient = self.tf2.gradient_chain_rule( deriv_by_transferred_par=deriv_by_transferred_par) return self.tf1.gradient_chain_rule( deriv_by_transferred_par=intermediate_gradient)
[docs] def plot_pulse(self, y: np.ndarray) -> None: """Calls the plot_pulse routine of the second transfer function.""" self.tf2.plot_pulse(self.tf1(y))
[docs] def set_times(self, y_times: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Sets x_times on the first transfer function and sets the resulting x_times on the second transfer function. Parameters ---------- y_times: Optional[np.array, list] Time durations of the constant control steps of the raw optimization parameters. """ self.tf1.set_times(y_times) self.tf2.set_times(y_times=self.tf1.x_times) self._num_y = self.tf1._num_y self._y_times = self.tf1._y_times self.x_times = self.tf2.x_times self.num_x = self.tf2.num_x return
[docs]class ParallelTF(TransferFunction): """ This transfer function will parallelize two transfer functions, such that they are applied to different control terms. Thus adding in the third dimension of the transfer matrix. Parameters ---------- tf1: TransferFunction First transfer function. This function operates on the first tf1.num_ctrls control pulses. tf2: TransferFunction Second transfer function. This function operates on the next tf2._num_ctrls number of control pulses. """ def __init__(self, tf1: TransferFunction, tf2: TransferFunction): super().__init__( num_ctrls=tf1.num_ctrls + tf2.num_ctrls, oversampling=tf1.oversampling, offset=None ) self.bound_type = tf1.bound_type self.tf1 = tf1 self.tf2 = tf2 if not tf1._num_y == tf2._num_y: raise ValueError("The parallelized transfer functions must operate" "on the same time frame. The transfer functions" "expect a different number of input time steps.") if not tf1.num_x == tf2.num_x: raise ValueError("The parallelized transfer functions must operate" "on the same time frame. The transfer functions" "generate signals with a different number of time" " steps.") # tf1 and tf2 should have identical times self._y_times = tf1._y_times self.x_times = tf1.x_times self.num_x = self.tf1.num_x self._num_y = tf1._num_y def __call__(self, y: np.array) -> np.array: """See base class. The transfer functions are evaluated separatly and the results are concatenated. """ self._check_dimensions_datatype(y) return np.concatenate( (self.tf1(y[:, :self.tf1.num_ctrls]), self.tf2(y[:, self.tf1.num_ctrls:])), axis=1)
[docs] def gradient_chain_rule( self, deriv_by_transferred_par: np.array) -> np.array: """ See base class. The gradients are calculated separatly and then concatenated. """ grad_1 = self.tf1.gradient_chain_rule( deriv_by_transferred_par[:, :, :self.tf1.num_ctrls]) grad_2 = self.tf2.gradient_chain_rule( deriv_by_transferred_par[:, :, self.tf1.num_ctrls:]) return np.concatenate((grad_1, grad_2), axis=2)
[docs] def set_times(self, y_times: np.ndarray): """See base class. """ self.tf1.set_times(y_times) self.tf2.set_times(y_times) self._num_y = self.tf1._num_y self._y_times = self.tf1._y_times self.num_x = self.tf1.num_x self.x_times = self.tf1.x_times
[docs]class MatrixTF(TransferFunction): def __call__(self, y: np.array) -> np.array: """Calculate the transferred optimization parameters (x). Evaluates the transfer function at the raw optimization parameters (y) to calculate the transferred optimization parameters (x). Parameters ---------- y: np.array, shape (num_y, num_par) Raw optimization variables; num_y is the number of time slices of the raw optimization parameters and num_par is the number of distinct raw optimization parameters. Returns ------- u: np.array, shape (num_x, num_par) Control parameters; num_u is the number of times slices for the transferred optimization parameters. """ self._check_dimensions_datatype(y) if self._transfer_matrix is None: self._calculate_transfer_matrix() x = np.einsum('ijk,jk->ik', self._transfer_matrix, y) if self.offset is not None: x += self.offset return x @property def transfer_matrix(self) -> np.array: """ If necessary, calculates the transfer matrix. Then returns it. Returns ------- T: ndarray, shape (num_u, num_x, num_ctrl) Transfer matrix (the linearization of the control amplitudes). """ if self._transfer_matrix is None: self._calculate_transfer_matrix() return copy.deepcopy(self._transfer_matrix) @abstractmethod def _calculate_transfer_matrix(self): """Create the transfer matrix. """ pass
[docs] def gradient_chain_rule( self, deriv_by_transferred_par: np.array) -> np.array: """ See base class. """ shape = deriv_by_transferred_par.shape assert len(shape) == 3 assert shape[0] == self.num_x assert shape[2] == self.num_ctrls if self._transfer_matrix is None: self._calculate_transfer_matrix() # T: shape (num_x, num_y, num_par) # deriv_by_ctrl_amps: shape (num_x, num_f, num_par) return np.einsum('ijk,ifk->jfk', self._transfer_matrix, deriv_by_transferred_par)
[docs]class OversamplingMTF(MatrixTF): """Oversamples and applies boundary conditions. """ def __init__( self, oversampling: int = 1, bound_type: Tuple = None, num_ctrls: int = 1, offset: float = 0): super().__init__( bound_type=bound_type, oversampling=oversampling, num_ctrls=num_ctrls, offset=offset ) = "Oversampling" def _calculate_transfer_matrix(self) -> None: """See base class. """ # identity for each oversampling segment transfer_matrix = np.eye(self._num_y) transfer_matrix = np.repeat(transfer_matrix, self.oversampling, axis=0) # add the padding elements padding_start, padding_end = self.num_padding_elements transfer_matrix = np.concatenate( (np.zeros((padding_start, self._num_y)), transfer_matrix, np.zeros((padding_end, self._num_y))), axis=0) # add control axis transfer_matrix = np.expand_dims(transfer_matrix, axis=2) transfer_matrix = np.repeat(transfer_matrix, self.num_ctrls, axis=2) self._transfer_matrix = transfer_matrix
[docs]class ConcatenateMTF(MatrixTF): """ Concatenates two matrix transfer functions. Matrix version of ConcatenateTF. Parameters ---------- tf1: MatrixTF First matrix transfer function. This function operates directly on the optimization variables. tf2: MatrixTF Second matrix transfer function. This function operates on the output of the first transfer function. """ def __init__(self, tf1: MatrixTF, tf2: MatrixTF): offset = 0 for of in [tf1.offset, tf2.offset]: if of is not None: offset += of super().__init__( num_ctrls=tf1.num_ctrls, offset=offset, oversampling=tf1.oversampling * tf2.oversampling ) self.tf1 = tf1 self.tf2 = tf2 self._num_y = tf1._num_y self._y_times = tf1._y_times self.x_times = tf2.x_times self.num_x = tf2.num_x @property def transfer_matrix(self): """The total transfer matrix is the product of the individual ones.""" return np.einsum('ijk,jlk->ilk', self.tf2.transfer_matrix, self.tf1.transfer_matrix)
[docs] def set_times(self, y_times: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Sets x_times on the first transfer function and sets the resulting x_times on the second transfer function. Parameters ---------- y_times: Optional[np.array, list] Time durations of the constant control steps of the raw optimization parameters. """ self.tf1.set_times(y_times) self.tf2.set_times(y_times=self.tf1.x_times) self._num_y = self.tf1._num_y self._y_times = self.tf1._y_times self.x_times = self.tf2.x_times self.num_x = self.tf2.num_x return
[docs] def plot_pulse(self, y: np.ndarray) -> None: """Calls the plot_pulse routine of the second transfer function.""" self.tf2.plot_pulse(self.tf1(y))
def _calculate_transfer_matrix(self): """See base class. """ self.tf1._calculate_transfer_matrix() self.tf2._calculate_transfer_matrix()
[docs]class ParallelMTF(MatrixTF): """ This transfer function will parallelize two transfer functions, such that they are applied to different control terms. Thus adding in the third dimension of the transfer matrix. Parameters ---------- tf1: MatrixTF First transfer function. This function operates on the first tf1.num_ctrls control pulses. tf2: MatrixTF Second transfer function. This function operates on the next tf2._num_ctrls number of control pulses. """ def __init__(self, tf1: MatrixTF, tf2: MatrixTF): super().__init__( num_ctrls=tf1.num_ctrls + tf2.num_ctrls, oversampling=tf1.oversampling, offset=None ) self.bound_type = tf1.bound_type self.tf1 = tf1 self.tf2 = tf2 assert tf1._num_y == tf2._num_y self._num_y = tf1._num_y # tf1 and tf2 should have identical times self._y_times = tf1._y_times self.x_times = tf1.x_times self.num_x = self.tf1.num_x if not tf1.bound_type == tf2.bound_type: raise ValueError("The parallized transfer functions must have the " "same bound_types.") if not tf1.oversampling == tf2.oversampling: raise ValueError("The parallized transfer functions must have the " "same oversampling.") def _calculate_transfer_matrix(self): """See base class. """ self._transfer_matrix = np.concatenate( (self.tf1.transfer_matrix, self.tf2.transfer_matrix), axis=2)
[docs] def set_times(self, y_times: np.ndarray): """See base class. """ self.tf1.set_times(y_times) self.tf2.set_times(y_times) self._num_y = self.tf1._num_y self._y_times = self.tf1._y_times self.num_x = self.tf1.num_x self.x_times = self.tf1.x_times
[docs]class CustomMTF(MatrixTF): """ This class implements a linear transfer function. The action is fully described by the transfer function and a constant offset, given at the initialization of the instance. Parameters ---------- transfer_matrix: np.array, shape (num_x, num_y, num_par) Constant transfer function. offset: float Constant offset. x_times: np.array, shape (num_x) Time slices of the control amplitudes. If they are not explicitly given, they are constructed from oversampling and bound_type. bound_type: see base class If no bound_type is specified. The program assumes that there is no padding. oversampling: int If the oversampling is not explicitly given, it is constructed from the bound_type and the transfer matrix. `Todo` * does it make sense so set the utimes explicitly? breakes the usual * workflow """ def __init__(self, transfer_matrix: np.array, x_times: Optional[np.array] = None, bound_type: Optional[Tuple] = None, oversampling: int = 1, offset: Optional[float] = None, num_ctrls: int = 1): super().__init__( oversampling=oversampling, bound_type=bound_type, offset=offset, num_ctrls=num_ctrls ) self._transfer_matrix = transfer_matrix self._num_y = transfer_matrix.shape[1] self.num_x = transfer_matrix.shape[0] self.x_times = x_times self.bound_type = bound_type self.oversampling = oversampling @property def transfer_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: """See base class.""" return self._transfer_matrix
[docs] def set_times(self, y_times: np.ndarray) -> None: """See base class.""" if self.x_times is None: # construct the oversampling if self.bound_type is None: # assume no padding self.oversampling = self.num_x // self._num_y if self.num_x % self._num_y: raise ValueError('Dimensions of transfer matrix ' 'impossible if no padding is used.' 'State the boundary_type!') elif self.bound_type[0] == 'n': self.oversampling = (self.num_x - 2 * self.bound_type[1]) / self._num_y elif self.bound_type[0] == 'x': self.oversampling = self.num_x / (2 * self.bound_type[1] + self._num_y) elif self.bound_type[0] == 'right_n': self.oversampling = (self.num_x - self.bound_type[ 1]) / self._num_y else: raise ValueError('Unknown boundary type:' + str(self.bound_type[0])) self.oversampling = int(self.oversampling) super().set_times(y_times) else: y_times = np.squeeze(y_times) self.x_times = y_times if len(y_times) != self._num_y: raise ValueError('Trying to set x_times, which do not fit the' 'dimension of the transfer function.')
def _calculate_transfer_matrix(self): """See base class. """ if self._transfer_matrix is None: raise ValueError("The custom transfer function cannot create its" "transfer matrix. It must be constructed " "externally and set in the init method!")
[docs]def exp_saturation(t: float, t_rise: float, val_1: float, val_2: float) -> int: """Exponential saturation function.""" return val_1 + (val_2 - val_1) * (1 - np.exp(-(t / t_rise)))
[docs]class ExponentialMTF(MatrixTF): """ This transfer function model smooths the control amplitudes by exponential saturation. The functionality is meant to model the finite rise time of voltage sources. `Todo` * add initial and final level. Currently fixed at 0 (or the offset) """ def __init__(self, awg_rise_time: float, oversampling: int = 1, bound_type: Tuple = ('x', 0), offset: Optional[float] = None, num_ctrls: int = 1): super().__init__( oversampling=oversampling, bound_type=bound_type, num_ctrls=num_ctrls ) self.awg_rise_time = awg_rise_time self.offset = offset @property def transfer_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: """See base class.""" if self._transfer_matrix is None: self._calculate_transfer_matrix() return self._transfer_matrix
[docs] @deprecated def old_call(self, x: np.ndarray): """ `TODO` only alive for testing""" start_value = 0 stop_value = 0 x_tau = self.xtimes[1] - self.xtimes[0] if self.bound_type is None: y = np.zeros((self._num_y * self.oversampling)) elif self.bound_type[0] == 'n': y = np.zeros((self._num_y * self.oversampling + self.bound_type[1], self.num_ctrls)) elif self.bound_type[0] == 'x': y = np.zeros(((self._num_y + self.bound_type[1]) * self.oversampling, self.num_ctrls)) else: raise ValueError('The boundary type ' + str(self.bound_type[0]) + ' is not implemented!') for k in range(self.num_ctrls): for j in range(self.oversampling): y[j, k] = exp_saturation((j + 1) / self.oversampling * x_tau, self.awg_rise_time, start_value[k], x[0, k]) for k in range(self.num_ctrls): for i in range(1, self._num_y): for j in range(self.oversampling): y[i * self.oversampling + j, k] = \ exp_saturation((j + 1) / self.oversampling * x_tau, self.awg_rise_time, x[i - 1, k], x[i, k]) if self.bound_type[0] == 'n': for i in range(self.bound_type[1]): y[self._num_y * self.oversampling + i] = \ exp_saturation((i + 1) / self.oversampling * x_tau, self.awg_rise_time, x[-1, k], self.stop_value[k]) elif self.bound_type[0] == 'x': for i in range(self.bound_type[1]): for j in range(self.oversampling): y[self._num_y * self.oversampling + i * self.oversampling + j] = \ exp_saturation(((j + 1) / self.oversampling + i) * x_tau, self.awg_rise_time, x[-1, k], stop_value[k]) return y
[docs] @deprecated def plot_pulse_old(self, x: np.ndarray) -> None: """Plot the control amplitudes corresponding to the given optimisation variables. """ u = self(x) n_padding_start, n_padding_end = self.num_padding_elements for x_per_control, u_per_control in zip(x.T, u.T): plt.figure() - .5 * self._y_times[0], u_per_control, self._y_times[0]) - .5 * self._y_times[0] + np.cumsum(self._y_times)[n_padding_start] - self._y_times[n_padding_start], x_per_control, self._y_times[0], fill=False)
def _calculate_transfer_matrix(self) -> None: """Calculate the transfer matrix as function of the oversampling, the boundary conditions, the set x_times and the awg rise time. Currently only equal time spacing is supported!""" num_padding_start, num_padding_end = self.num_padding_elements dudx = np.zeros(shape=(self.num_x - num_padding_start, self._num_y)) x_tau = self._y_times[0] # calculate blocks exp = np.zeros((self.oversampling,)) for j in range(self.oversampling): t = (j + 1) * x_tau / self.oversampling exp[j] = np.exp(-(t / self.awg_rise_time)) one_minus_exp = np.ones((self.oversampling,)) - exp # build 2d gradient matrix # for the padding at the beginning dudx[0:self.oversampling, 0] = one_minus_exp if self.num_x > self.oversampling: dudx[self.oversampling:2 * self.oversampling, 0] = exp # main part for i in range(1, self._num_y - 1): dudx[i * self.oversampling:(i + 1) * self.oversampling, i] = one_minus_exp dudx[(i + 1) * self.oversampling:(i + 2) * self.oversampling, i] = exp # at the end dudx[(self._num_y - 1) * self.oversampling: self._num_y * self.oversampling, self._num_y - 1] = one_minus_exp for i in range(num_padding_end): t = (i + 1) / self.oversampling * x_tau dudx[self._num_y * self.oversampling + i, -1] = np.exp( -(t / self.awg_rise_time)) # zeros for the first elements dudx = np.concatenate((np.zeros(shape=(num_padding_start, self._num_y)), dudx), axis=0) dudx = np.repeat( np.expand_dims(dudx, axis=2), repeats=self.num_ctrls, axis=2) self._transfer_matrix = dudx
[docs] def gradient_chain_rule( self, deriv_by_transferred_par: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """See base class. """ if self._transfer_matrix is None: self._calculate_transfer_matrix() # T: shape (num_u, num_x, num_ctrl) # deriv_by_ctrl_amps: shape (num_u, num_f, num_ctrl) return np.einsum('ijk,ifk->jfk', self._transfer_matrix, deriv_by_transferred_par)
[docs] @needs_refactoring def reverse_state(self, amplitudes=None, times=None, targetfunc=None): """ I assume only to be applied to Pulses generated by self.__call__(x) If times is None: We either need to know num_x or the oversampling. For now I assume that self.num_x is valid for the input data. :param amplitudes: :param times :param targetfunc: :return: """ num_ctrls = amplitudes.shape[1] xtau = (self.xtimes[1] - self.xtimes[0]) if times is not None: if times.size < 2: # TODO: log warning return amplitudes tau = times[1] - times[0] oversampling = int(round(xtau / tau)) num_x = times.size // oversampling elif amplitudes is not None: oversampling = amplitudes.size // num_ctrls // self._num_y num_x = self._num_y elif targetfunc is not None: raise NotImplementedError else: raise ValueError( "please specify the amplitues or the target function! (not yet " "implemented for target functions)") if amplitudes is not None: x = np.zeros((num_x, num_ctrls)) t = 1 / oversampling * xtau exp = np.exp(-(t / self.awg_rise_time)) for k in range(num_ctrls): x[0, k] = (amplitudes[0, k] - self.start_value) / ( 1 - exp) + self.start_value for i in range(1, num_x): x[i, k] = (amplitudes[i * oversampling, k] - x[ i - 1, k]) / (1 - exp) + x[i - 1, k] elif targetfunc is not None: raise NotImplementedError else: raise ValueError( "please specify the amplitues or the target function! (not yet " "implemented for target functions)") return x
[docs]class GaussianMTF(MatrixTF): """ Deprecated! - Might be reimplemented upon reasonable request. Represent square function filtered through a gaussian filter. Can not be used in conjunction with the concatenate tf. Parameters: ----------- omega: (float, list) bandwitdh of the over_sample_rate: number of timeslice of the amplitudes for each x block. start, end: amplitudes at the boundaries of the time range. bound_type = (code, number): control the number of time slice of padding before and after the original time range. code: "n": n extra slice of dt/overSampleRate "x": n extra slice of dt "w": go until a dampening of erf(n) (default, n=2) The amplitudes time range is wider than the given times. `Todo` * reworked the comments but the code has not been refactored """ @deprecated def __init__(self, omega=1, over_sample_rate=5, start=0., end=0., bound_type=("w", 2)): super().__init__() self.N = over_sample_rate self.dt = 1 / over_sample_rate self.boundary = [start, end] = omega self.bound_type = bound_type = "Gaussian" self._transfer_matrix = None self.cte = None def _calculate_transfer_matrix(self): """Calculate the transfer matrix. """ Dxt = (self.xtimes[1] - self.xtimes[0]) * 0.25 self._transfer_matrix = np.zeros((len(self._y_times) - 1, self._num_y, self.num_ctrls)) self.cte = np.zeros((len(self._y_times) - 1, self.num_ctrls)) time = (self._y_times[:-1] + self._y_times[1:]) * 0.5 xtime = (self.xtimes[:-1] + self.xtimes[1:]) * 0.5 for j, t in enumerate(time): self.cte[j] = (0.5 - 0.5 * scipy.special.erf( * 0.5 * t)) \ * self.boundary[0] self.cte[j] += (0.5 + 0.5 * scipy.special.erf( * 0.5 * (t - self.xtimes[-1]))) * self.boundary[1] for k, xt in enumerate(xtime): T = (t - xt) * 0.5 self._transfer_matrix[j, k] = (scipy.special.erf( * (T + Dxt)) - scipy.special.erf( * (T - Dxt))) * 0.5 def __call__(self, y): if self._transfer_matrix is None: self._calculate_transfer_matrix() try: return np.einsum('ijk,jk->ik', self._transfer_matrix, y) + self.cte except ValueError: print('error') @property def transfer_matrix(self): """See base class. """ if self._transfer_matrix is None: self._calculate_transfer_matrix() return self._transfer_matrix
[docs] def gradient_chain_rule(self, deriv_by_transferred_par): """See base class. """ # index i over the u_values # index j over the x_values # index k over the num_crtls # an index for the cost functions is missing J. Teske # index l inserted for the cost functions try: # return np.einsum('ijk,ik->jk', self._transfer_matrix, gradient) return np.einsum('ijk,...i->...j', self._transfer_matrix, deriv_by_transferred_par) except ValueError: print('error')
[docs] def set_times(self, times): """ See base class. Times/transferred_time correspond to the timeslot before the interpolation. """ if not np.allclose(np.diff(times), times[1] - times[0]): raise Exception("Times must be equaly distributed") super().set_times(times)
# TODO: properly implement 'w'