Source code for qopt.solver_algorithms

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#     qopt
#     Copyright (C) 2020 Julian Teske, Forschungszentrum Juelich
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""" Implements the algorithms to solve differential equations like
Schroedinger's equation or a master equation.

The `Solver` class is the central piece of the actual simulation. It calculates
propagators from the differential equations describing the quantum dynamics.
The abstract base class inherits among other things an interface to the
`PulseSequence` class of the filter_functions package.

The `Solver` classes can have an amplitude and a transfer function as attribute
and automate their use. The Monte Carlo solvers also hold an instance of a
noise trace generator.

If requested, also derivatives of the propagators by the control amplitudes are
calculated or approximated.

    Abstract base class of the time slot computers.

    Solver for the the unperturbed Schroedinger equation.

    Solver for the Schroedinger equation under the influence of noise.

    Solver for the Schroedinger equation under the influence of noise affecting
    the control terms.

    Solves the master equation in Lindblad form.

The implementation was inspired by the optimal control package of QuTiP [1]_
(Quantum Toolbox in Python)

.. [1] J. R. Johansson, P. D. Nation, and F. Nori: "QuTiP 2: A Python framework
    for the dynamics of open quantum systems.", Comp. Phys. Comm. 184, 1234
    (2013) [DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2012.11.019].


import numpy as np
import copy
from typing import Optional, List, Callable, Union
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from multiprocessing import Pool

from filter_functions import pulse_sequence, basis, numeric
from filter_functions import plotting as ff_plotting

from qopt import noise, matrix, matrix as q_mat
from qopt.transfer_function import TransferFunction, IdentityTF
from qopt.amplitude_functions import AmplitudeFunction, IdentityAmpFunc
from qopt.util import needs_refactoring

[docs]class Solver(ABC): r""" Abstract base class for Solvers. Parameters ---------- h_ctrl: List[ControlMatrix], len num_ctrl Control operators in the Hamiltonian as nested list of shape n_t, num_ctrl. h_drift: List[ControlMatrix], len num_t or 1 Drift operators in the Hamiltonian. You can either give a single element or one for each transferred time step. initial_state : ControlMatrix Initial state of the system as state vector. Can also be set to the identity matrix. Then the forward propagation gives the total propagator of the system. tau: array of float, shape (num_t, ) Durations of the time slices. opt_pars: np.array, shape (num_y, num_par), optional Raw optimization parameters. ctrl_amps: np.array, shape (num_t, num_ctrl), optional The initial control amplitudes. filter_function_h_n: List[List[np.array]] or List[List[Qobj]] or callable Nested list of noise Operators. Used in the filter function formalism. _filter_function_h_n should look something like this: >>> H = [[n_oper1, n_coeff1, n_oper_identifier1], >>> [n_oper2, n_coeff2, n_oper_identifier2], ...] The operators may be given either as NumPy arrays or QuTiP Qobjs and each coefficient array should have the same number of elements as *dt*, and should be given in units of :math:`\hbar`. Alternatively, the argument can be a callable. This should have the signature of three input arguments, which are (Optimization parameters, transferred parameters, control amplitudes). The callable should return an nested list of the form given above. filter_function_basis: Basis, shape (d**2, d, d), optional The operator basis in which to calculate. If a Generalized Gell-Mann basis (see :meth:`~basis.Basis.ggm`) is chosen, some calculations will be faster for large dimensions due to a simpler basis expansion. However, when extending the pulse sequence to larger qubit registers, cached filter functions cannot be retained since the GGM basis does not factor into tensor products. In this case a Pauli basis is preferable. filter_function_n_coeffs_deriv: Callable numpy array to numpy array This function calculates the derivatives of the noise susceptibility in the filter function formalism. It receives the optimization parameters as array of shape (num_opt, num_t) and returns the derivatives as array of shape (num_noise_op, n_ctrl, num_t). The order of the noise operators must correspond to the order specified by filter_function_h_n. exponential_method: string, optional Method used by the ControlMatrix class for the calculation of the matrix exponential. The default is 'Frechet'. See also the Docstring of the file 'qopt.matrix'. is_skew_hermitian: bool Only important for the exponential_method 'spectral'. If set to true, the dynamical generator is assumed to be skew hermitian during the spectral decomposition. transfer_function: TransferFunction The transfer function for reshaping the optimization parameters. amplitude_function: AmplitudeFunction The amplitude function connecting the transferred optimization parameters to the control amplitudes. paranoia_level: int The paranoia_level determines how many checks are conducted. 0 No tests 1 Some tests 2 Exhaustive tests, dimension checks Attributes ---------- h_ctrl : List[ControlMatrix], len num_ctrl Control operators in the Hamiltonian as list of length num_ctrl. h_drift : List[ControlMatrix], len num_t Drift operators in the Hamiltonian. initial_state : ControlMatrix Initial state of the system as state vector. Can also be set to the identity matrix. Then the forward propagation gives the total propagator of the system. transferred_time: List[float] Durations of the time slices. filter_function_h_n: List[List[np.array]] or List[List[Qobj]] Nested list of noise Operators. Used in the filter function formalism. filter_function_basis: Basis The filter function pulse sequence will be expressed in this basis. See documentation of the filter function package. exponential_method: string, optional Method used by the ControlMatrix class for the calculation of the matrix exponential. The default is 'Frechet'. See also the Docstring of the file 'qopt.matrix'. transfer_function: TransferFunction The transfer function for reshaping the optimization parameters. amplitude_function: AmplitudeFunction The amplitude function connecting the transferred optimization parameters to the control amplitudes. _prop: List[ControlMatrix], len num_t Propagators of the system. _fwd_prop: List[ControlMatrix], len num_t + 1 Ordered product of the propagators. They describe the forward propagation of the systems state. _reversed_prop: List[ControlMatrix], len num_t + 1 Ordered product of propagators in reversed order. _derivative_prop: List[List[ControlMatrix]], shape [[] * num_t] * num_ctrl Frechet derivatives of the propagators by the control amplitudes. Methods ------- propagators: List[ControlMatrix], len num_t Returns the propagators of the system. forward_propagators: List[ControlMatrix], len num_t + 1 Returns the forward propagation of the initial state. The element forward_propagators[i] propagates a state by the first i time steps, if the initial state is the identity matrix. frechet_deriv_propagators: List[List[ControlMatrix]], shape [[] * num_t] * num_ctrl Returns the frechet derivatives of the propagators by the control amplitudes. reversed_propagators: List[ControlMatrix], len num_t + 1 Returns the reversed propagation of the initial state. The element reversed_propagators[i] propagates a state by the last i time steps, if the initial state is the identity matrix. _compute_propagation: abstract method Computes the propagators. _compute_forward_propagation Compute the forward propagation of the initial state / system. _compute_reversed_propagation Compute the reversed propagation of the initial state / system. _compute_propagation_derivatives: abstract method Compute the derivatives of the propagators by the control amplitudes. create_pulse_sequence(new_amps): PulseSequence Creates a pulse sequence instance corresponding to the current control amplitudes. `Todo` * Write parser * setter for new hamiltonians * make hamiltonians private * also for the initial state * extend constant drift hamiltonian * Implement the drift operator with an amplitude. Right now, * the operator is already multiplied with the amplitude, which is * not coherent with the pulse sequence interface. Alternatively * amplitude=1? * transferred_time should be taken from the transfer function * Use own plotting for the plotting * Consequent try catches for the computation of the matrix exponential """ def __init__( self, h_ctrl: List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix], h_drift: List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix], tau: np.array, initial_state: q_mat.OperatorMatrix = None, opt_pars: Optional[np.array] = None, ctrl_amps: Optional[np.array] = None, filter_function_h_n: Union[ Callable, List[List], None] = None, filter_function_basis: Optional[basis.Basis] = None, filter_function_n_coeffs_deriv: Optional[ Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]] = None, exponential_method: Optional[str] = None, is_skew_hermitian: bool = True, transfer_function: Optional[TransferFunction] = None, amplitude_function: Optional[AmplitudeFunction] = None, paranoia_level: int = 2 ): self.h_ctrl = h_ctrl self._ctrl_amps = ctrl_amps self._opt_pars = opt_pars if initial_state is None: dim = self.h_ctrl[0].shape[0] self.initial_state = type(self.h_ctrl[0])(np.eye(dim)) else: self.initial_state = initial_state if exponential_method is None: self.exponential_method = 'Frechet' else: self.exponential_method = exponential_method self._prop = None self._fwd_prop = None self._reversed_prop = None self._derivative_prop = None self.pulse_sequence = None if filter_function_h_n is None: self._filter_function_h_n = [] else: self._filter_function_h_n = filter_function_h_n # we store the order of the noise operators. They must coincide with # the order in filter_functions_n_coeffs_deriv self.filter_function_n_oper_identifiers = [] self.filter_function_basis = filter_function_basis self.filter_function_n_coeffs_deriv = filter_function_n_coeffs_deriv self._is_skew_hermitian = is_skew_hermitian if transfer_function is None: self.transfer_function = IdentityTF(num_ctrls=len(h_ctrl)) else: self.transfer_function = transfer_function self.transferred_time = None self.set_times(tau=tau) if type(h_drift) in [matrix.DenseOperator, matrix.SparseOperator]: self.h_drift = [h_drift, ] * self.transfer_function.num_x elif len(h_drift) == 1: self.h_drift = h_drift * self.transfer_function.num_x else: self.h_drift = h_drift if amplitude_function is None: self.amplitude_function = IdentityAmpFunc() else: self.amplitude_function = amplitude_function self.transferred_parameters = None self.consistency_checks(paranoia_level=paranoia_level)
[docs] def set_times(self, tau): """ Set time values by passing them to the transfer function. Parameters ---------- tau: array of float, shape (num_t, ) Durations of the time slices. """ self.transfer_function.set_times(tau) self.transferred_time = self.transfer_function.x_times self.reset_cached_propagators()
[docs] def set_optimization_parameters(self, y: np.array) -> None: """ Set the control amplitudes. All computation flags are set to false. The new control amplitudes u are calculated: u: np.array, shape (num_t, num_ctrl) Parameters ---------- y: np.array, shape (num_x, num_ctrl) Raw optimization parameters. """ if np.array_equal(self._opt_pars, y): return else: self._opt_pars = np.copy(y) if self.transfer_function is not None: self.transferred_parameters = self.transfer_function(y) else: self.transferred_parameters = np.copy(y) if self.amplitude_function is not None: u = self.amplitude_function( self.transferred_parameters) else: u = self.transferred_parameters if len(u.shape) != 2: raise ValueError('The new control amplitudes must have two ' 'dimensions! ' '(time, control operator)') if u.shape[0] != len(self.transferred_time): raise ValueError('The new control amplitudes do not have the ' 'correct number of entries on the time axis!') if u.shape[1] != len(self.h_ctrl): raise ValueError('The new control amplitudes do not have the ' 'correnct number of entries on the control axis!') self._ctrl_amps = u self.reset_cached_propagators()
[docs] def reset_cached_propagators(self): """ Resets all cached propagators. """ self._prop = None self._fwd_prop = None self._derivative_prop = None self._reversed_prop = None self.pulse_sequence = None
[docs] def consistency_checks(self, paranoia_level: int): """Checks attributes for inner consistency. Parameters ---------- paranoia_level: int The paranoia_level determines how many checks are conducted. 0: No tests 1: Some tests 2: Exhaustive tests, dimension checks """ if paranoia_level == 0: return elif paranoia_level >= 1: # check whether the hamiltonian is correct for the number of time # steps if isinstance(self.transferred_time, List): self.transferred_time = np.asarray(self.transferred_time) if len(self.transferred_time.shape) > 1: raise ValueError("Tau must be a one dimensional numpy array or" "a list.") n_time_steps = self.transferred_time.shape[0] if len(self.h_drift) == 1: self.h_drift = self.h_drift * n_time_steps if not (n_time_steps == len(self.h_drift) or len(self.h_drift) == 0): raise ValueError( "The drift hamiltonian must have exactly one entry for " "each transferred time step or no entry at all or a single" " entry. Your transferred time has " + str(n_time_steps) + " steps." ) if paranoia_level >= 2: # check whether the Hamiltonian has the correct dimensions dim = self.h_ctrl[0].shape[0] for ctrl_matrix in self.h_ctrl: assert(dim == ctrl_matrix.shape[0]) assert(dim == ctrl_matrix.shape[1]) for drift_matrx in self.h_drift: assert(dim == drift_matrx.shape[0]) assert(dim == drift_matrx.shape[1]) else: raise ValueError("The paranoia level must be a positive integer.")
@property def propagators(self) -> List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix]: """ Returns the propagators of the system and calculates them if necessary. Returns ------- propagators: List[ControlMatrix], len num_t Propagators of the system. """ if self._prop is None: self._compute_propagation() return self._prop @property def forward_propagators(self) -> List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix]: """ Returns the forward propagation of the initial state for every time slice and calculate it if necessary. If the initial state is the identity matrix, then the cumulative propagators are given. The element forward_propagators[i] propagates a state by the first i time steps, if the initial state is the identity matrix. Returns ------- forward_propagation: List[ControlMatrix], len num_t + 1 Propagation of the initial state of the system. fwd[0] gives the initial state itself. """ if self._fwd_prop is None: self._compute_forward_propagation() return self._fwd_prop @property def frechet_deriv_propagators(self) -> List[List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix]]: """ Returns the frechet derivatives of the propagators. Returns ------- derivative_prop: List[List[ControlMatrix]], shape [[] * num_t] * num_ctrl Frechet derivatives of the propagators by the control amplitudes """ if self._derivative_prop is None: self._compute_propagation_derivatives() return self._derivative_prop @property def reversed_propagators(self) -> List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix]: """ Returns the reversed propagation of the initial state for every time slice and calculate it if necessary. If the initial state is the identity matrix, then the reversed cumulative propagators are given. The element forward_propagators[i] propagates a state by the first i time steps, if the initial state is the identity matrix. Returns ------- reversed_propagation: List[ControlMatrix], len num_t + 1 Propagation of the initial state of the system. reversed[0] gives the initial state itself. """ if self._reversed_prop is None: self._compute_reversed_propagation() return self._reversed_prop @property def filter_function_n_coeffs_deriv_vals(self) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: """ Calculates the derivatives of the noise susceptibilities from the filter function formalism. Returns ------- n_coeffs_deriv: numpy array of shape (num_noise_op, n_ctrl, num_t) Derivatives of the noise susceptibilities by the control amplitudes. """ if self.filter_function_n_coeffs_deriv is None: return None else: try: return self.filter_function_n_coeffs_deriv( self._opt_pars, self.transferred_parameters, self._ctrl_amps) except TypeError: print("Warning, you are used the old interface for the " "filter_functio_h_n. If you choose it as callable," "it should receive the three arguments " "(optimization parameters, transferred parameters," "control amplitudes). ") return self.filter_function_n_coeffs_deriv(self._ctrl_amps) @property def create_ff_h_n(self) -> list: """Creates the noise hamiltonian of the filter function formalism. Returns ------- create_ff_h_n: nested list Noise Hamiltonian of the filter function formalism. """ if type(self._filter_function_h_n) == list: h_n = self._filter_function_h_n else: try: h_n = self._filter_function_h_n( self._opt_pars, self.transferred_parameters, self._ctrl_amps) except TypeError: print("Warning, you are used the old interface for the " "filter_functio_h_n. If you choose it as callable," "it should receive the three arguments " "(optimization parameters, transferred parameters," "control amplitudes). ") h_n = self._filter_function_h_n(self._ctrl_amps) if not h_n: h_n = [ [ 0 * self.h_ctrl[0], self.transferred_time, 'No Noise' ] ] # we store the order of the noise operators. They must coincide with # the order in filter_functions_n_coeffs_deriv self.filter_function_n_oper_identifiers = [] for noise_term in h_n: if not len(noise_term) == 3: raise ValueError( "The noise operators for the filter function must be given" "as nested list of the form: \n" "H = [[n_oper1, n_coeff1, n_oper_identifier1], \n" "[n_oper2, n_coeff2, n_oper_identifier2], ...] \n" "but not every element of the list you defined has three" "elements." ) if not type(noise_term[2]) == str: raise ValueError( "The identifiers for the noise terms must be given as " "string." ) self.filter_function_n_oper_identifiers.append(noise_term[2]) return h_n @abstractmethod def _compute_propagation(self) -> None: """ Computes the propagators. Must set self._prop! Raises ------ ValueError If the control amplitudes are not set. """ if self._ctrl_amps is None: raise ValueError("The control amplitudes must be set to calculate " "the propagation!")
[docs] def _compute_forward_propagation(self) -> None: """Computes the forward propagators. """ if self._prop is None: self._compute_propagation() self._fwd_prop = [self.initial_state.copy(), ] for prop in self._prop: self._fwd_prop.append(prop * self._fwd_prop[-1])
[docs] def _compute_reversed_propagation(self) -> None: """Compute the reversed propagation. """ if self._prop is None: self._compute_propagation() if type(self.initial_state) == matrix.DenseOperator: self._reversed_prop = [matrix.DenseOperator( np.eye(self._prop[0].shape[0])) * (1 + 0j), ] elif type(self.initial_state) == matrix.SparseOperator: raise NotImplementedError # self._reversed_prop = [matrix.SparseOperator( # np.eye(self._prop[0].shape[0])) * (1 + 0j), ] else: raise TypeError("The initial state should be either a dense or " "sparse control matrix.") for prop in self._prop[::-1]: self._reversed_prop.append(self._reversed_prop[-1] * prop)
@abstractmethod def _compute_propagation_derivatives(self) -> None: """Compute the derivatives of the propagators by the control amplitudes. """ pass def _diagonalize_and_propagate_pulse_sequence(self) -> None: """Manually set eigendecomposition of the PulseSequence. Work around incompatibility of drift Hamiltonian representations.""" ps = self.pulse_sequence drift_hamiltonian = np.array([ for h in self.h_drift]) control_hamiltonian = np.einsum('ijk,il->ljk', ps.c_opers, ps.c_coeffs) ps.eigvals, ps.eigvecs, ps.propagators = numeric.diagonalize( drift_hamiltonian + control_hamiltonian, ps.dt ) ps.total_propagator = ps.propagators[-1]
[docs] def create_pulse_sequence( self, new_amps: Optional[np.array] = None, ff_basis: Optional[basis.Basis] = None ) -> pulse_sequence.PulseSequence: """ Create a pulse sequence of the filter function package written by Tobias Hangleiter. See the documentation of the filter function package. Parameters ---------- new_amps: np.array, shape (num_t, num_ctrl), optional New control amplitudes can be set before the pulse sequence is initialized. ff_basis: Basis The pulse sequence will be expanded in this basis. See documentation of the filter function package. Returns ------- pulse_sequence: filter_functions.pulse_sequence.PulseSequence The pulse sequence corresponding to the control model and the control amplitudes set. """ if new_amps is not None: self.set_optimization_parameters(new_amps) else: if self._ctrl_amps is None: raise ValueError('No optimization parameters set. ' 'Please supply new_amps argument') if ff_basis is not None: basis = ff_basis elif self.filter_function_basis is not None: basis = self.filter_function_basis else: basis = None # We have to work around different interfaces for the drift # operators. Since in qopt the drift can be arbitrary (incl. # nonlinear coupling), but in filter_functions the form H = # a(t) A is imposed, we don't tell the PulseSequence object # about H_drift and set the eigendecomposition after the fact. if self.pulse_sequence is None: h_c = list(zip( self.h_ctrl, self._ctrl_amps.T, [f'Control{i}' for i in range(len(self.h_ctrl))] )) self.pulse_sequence = pulse_sequence.PulseSequence( h_c, self.create_ff_h_n, self.transferred_time, basis ) else: # Clean up the caches and update coefficients self.pulse_sequence.cleanup('all') self.pulse_sequence.c_coeffs = self._ctrl_amps.T # Not the most elegant, but necessary for the current # implementation. self.pulse_sequence.n_coeffs = pulse_sequence._parse_Hamiltonian( self.create_ff_h_n, len(self.transferred_time), 'H_n')[2] if basis is not None: self.pulse_sequence.basis = basis self._diagonalize_and_propagate_pulse_sequence() return self.pulse_sequence
[docs] def plot_bloch_sphere( self, new_amps=None, return_Bloch: bool = False) -> None: """ Uses the pulse sequence to plot the systems evolution on the bloch sphere. Only available for two dimensional systems. Parameters ---------- new_amps: np.array, shape (num_t, num_ctrl), optional New control amplitudes can be set before the pulse sequence is initialized. return_Bloch: bool If True, then qutips Bloch object is returned. Returns ------- b: Bloch Qutips Bloch object. Only returned if return_Bloch is set to True. """ # Already takes care of updating and cleaning the PulseSequence object pulse_sequence = self.create_pulse_sequence(new_amps=new_amps) return ff_plotting.plot_bloch_vector_evolution( pulse_sequence, n_samples=500, return_Bloch=return_Bloch)
[docs]class SchroedingerSolver(Solver): """ This time slot computer solves the unperturbed Schroedinger equation. All intermediary propagators are calculated and cached. Takes also input parameters of the base class. Parameters ---------- calculate_propagator_derivatives: bool If true, the derivatives of the propagators by the control amplitudes are always calculated. Otherwise only on demand. frechet_deriv_approx_method: Optional[str] Method for the approximation of the derivatives of the propagators, if they are not calculated analytically. Note that this method is never used if calculate_propagator_derivatives is set to True! Methods: None: The derivatives are not approximated by calculated by the control matrix class. 'grape': use the approximation given in the original grape paper. Attributes ---------- _dyn_gen: List[ControlMatrix], len num_t The generators of the systems dynamics calculate_propagator_derivatives: bool If true, the derivatives of the propagators by the control amplitudes are always calculated. Otherwise only on demand. frechet_deriv_approx_method: Optional[str] Method for the approximation of the derivatives of the propagators, if they are not calculated analytically. Note that this method is never used if calculate_propagator_derivatives is set to True! Methods: 'grape': use the approximation given in the original grape paper. Methods ------- _compute_derivative_directions: List[List[q_mat.ControlMatrix]], shape [[] * num_ctrl] * num_t Computes the directions of change with respect to the control parameters. _compute_dyn_gen: List[ControlMatrix], len num_t Computes the dynamics generators. `Todo` * raise a warning if the approximation method although the gradient is always calculated. * raise a warning if the grape approximation is chosen but its requirement of small time steps is not met. """ def __init__(self, h_drift: List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix], h_ctrl: List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix], tau: np.array, initial_state: q_mat.OperatorMatrix = None, ctrl_amps: Optional[np.array] = None, calculate_propagator_derivatives: bool = True, filter_function_h_n: Union[ Callable, List[List], None] = None, filter_function_basis: Optional[basis.Basis] = None, filter_function_n_coeffs_deriv: Optional[ Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]] = None, exponential_method: Optional[str] = None, frechet_deriv_approx_method: Optional[str] = None, is_skew_hermitian: bool = True, transfer_function: Optional[TransferFunction] = None, amplitude_function: Optional[AmplitudeFunction] = None): super().__init__( h_drift=h_drift, h_ctrl=h_ctrl, initial_state=initial_state, tau=tau, ctrl_amps=ctrl_amps, filter_function_h_n=filter_function_h_n, filter_function_basis=filter_function_basis, filter_function_n_coeffs_deriv=filter_function_n_coeffs_deriv, exponential_method=exponential_method, is_skew_hermitian=is_skew_hermitian, transfer_function=transfer_function, amplitude_function=amplitude_function ) self.id_text = 'ALL' self.cache_text = 'Save' self.calculate_propagator_derivatives = \ calculate_propagator_derivatives self.frechet_deriv_approx_method = frechet_deriv_approx_method self._dyn_gen = None
[docs] def set_optimization_parameters(self, y: np.array) -> None: """See base class. """ if not np.array_equal(self._opt_pars, y): self.reset_cached_propagators() super().set_optimization_parameters(y)
[docs] def reset_cached_propagators(self): """See base class. """ self._dyn_gen = None super().reset_cached_propagators()
def _compute_dyn_gen(self) -> List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix]: """ Computes the dynamics generators. Returns ------- dyn_gen: List[ControlMatrix], len num_t This is basically the total Hamiltonian. """ self._dyn_gen = [-1j * h for h in self.h_drift] for ctrl, ctrl_op in enumerate(self.h_ctrl): for dyn_gen, ctrl_amp in \ zip(self._dyn_gen, self._ctrl_amps[:, ctrl]): dyn_gen += -1j * ctrl_amp * ctrl_op return self._dyn_gen def _compute_derivative_directions( self) -> List[List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix]]: """ The directions of the frechet derivatives are the control operators. No deep copy is required because the result is not used for in-place operations. """ # The list is multiplied (copied by reference) because the elements # will not be manipulated in place. (only as copy) return [[operator * -1j for operator in self.h_ctrl], ] * len(self.transferred_time) def _compute_propagation( self, calculate_propagator_derivatives: Optional[bool] = None) \ -> None: """See base class. """ super()._compute_propagation() if self._dyn_gen is None: self._dyn_gen = self._compute_dyn_gen() if calculate_propagator_derivatives is None: calculate_propagator_derivatives = \ self.calculate_propagator_derivatives # initialize the attributes self._prop = [None for _ in range(len(self.transferred_time))] if calculate_propagator_derivatives: derivative_directions = self._compute_derivative_directions() self._derivative_prop = [ [None for _ in range(len(self.transferred_time))] for _2 in range(len(self.h_ctrl))] for t in range(len(self.transferred_time)): for ctrl in range(len(self.h_ctrl)): try: self._prop[t], self._derivative_prop[ctrl][t] \ = self._dyn_gen[t].dexp( derivative_directions[t][ctrl], self.transferred_time[t], compute_expm=True, method=self.exponential_method, is_skew_hermitian=self._is_skew_hermitian) except ValueError: raise ValueError('The computation has failed with ' 'a value error. Try another ' 'exponentiation method.') else: for t in range(len(self.transferred_time)): self._prop[t] = self._dyn_gen[t].exp( tau=self.transferred_time[t], method=self.exponential_method, is_skew_hermitian=self._is_skew_hermitian) def _compute_propagation_derivatives(self) -> None: """ Computes the frechet derivatives of the propagators. The derivatives are not returned but cached. Since the function is only called when no derivatives are cached, the approximation is prioritised. """ if not self.frechet_deriv_approx_method: self._compute_propagation(calculate_propagator_derivatives=True) elif self.frechet_deriv_approx_method == 'grape': if self._prop is None: self._compute_propagation( calculate_propagator_derivatives=False) self._derivative_prop = [[None for _ in range(len(self.h_ctrl))] for _2 in range(len(self.transferred_time))] derivative_directions = self._compute_derivative_directions() for t in range(len(self.transferred_time)): for ctrl in range(len(self.h_ctrl)): self._derivative_prop[t][ctrl] = \ self.transferred_time[t] * derivative_directions[t][ctrl] \ * self._prop[t] else: raise ValueError('Unknown gradient derivative approximation ' 'method:' + str(self.frechet_deriv_approx_method))
def _compute_matrix_exponentials(input_dict): """Computes the propagator of the Schroedinger equation by evaluation of a matrix exponential. Parameters ---------- input_dict: dict Holds the parameters in a single dict, because the function requires a single input argument. The dict has the fields time, matrices, method and is_skew_hermitian. See also _compute_propagator. Returns ------- exponentials: list of ControlMatrix A list of the propagators. """ time = input_dict['time'] matrices = input_dict['matrices'] method = input_dict['method'] is_skew_hermitian = input_dict['is_skew_hermitian'] exponentials = [None, ] * len(time) for i, m, t in zip(range(len(matrices)), matrices, time): exponentials[i] = m.exp( tau=t, method=method, is_skew_hermitian=is_skew_hermitian) return exponentials
[docs]class SchroedingerSMonteCarlo(SchroedingerSolver): r""" Solves Schroedinger's equation for explicit noise realisations as Monte Carlo experiment. This time slot computer solves the Schroedinger equation explicitly for concrete noise realizations. The noise traces are generated by an instance of the Noise Trace Generator Class. Then they can be processed by the noise amplitude function, before they are multiplied by the noise hamiltionians. Parameters ---------- h_noise: List[ControlMatrix], len num_noise_operators List of noise operators occurring in the Hamiltonian. noise_trace_generator: noise.NoiseTraceGenerator Noise trace generator object. processes: int, optional If an integer is given, then the propagation is calculated in this number of parallel processes. If 1 then no parallel computing is applied. If None then cpu_count() is called to use all cores available. Defaults to 1. noise_amplitude_function: Callable[[noise_samples: np.array, optimization_parameters: np.array, transferred_parameters: np.array, control_amplitudes: np.array], np.array] The noise amplitude function calculated the noisy control amplitudes corresponding to the noise samples. They recieve 4 keyword arguments being the noise samples, the optimization parameters, the transferred optimization parameters and the control amplitudes in this order. The noise samples are given with the shape (n_samples_per_trace, n_traces, n_noise_operators), the optimization parameters (num_x, num_ctrl), the transferred parameters (num_t, num_ctrl) and the control amplitudes (num_t, num_ctrl). The returned noise amplitudes should be of the shape (num_t, n_traces, n_noise_operators). Attributes ---------- h_noise: List[ControlMatrix], len num_noise_operators List of noise operators occurring in the Hamiltonian. noise_trace_generator: noise.NoiseTraceGenerator Noise trace generator object. _dyn_gen_noise: List[List[ControlMatrix]], shape [[] * num_t] * num_noise_traces Dynamics generators for the individual noise traces. _prop_noise: List[List[ControlMatrix]], shape [[] * num_t] * num_noise_traces Propagators for the individual noise traces. _fwd_prop_noise: List[List[ControlMatrix]], shape [[] * (num_t + 1)] * num_noise_traces Cumulation of the propagators for the individual noise traces. They describe the forward propagation of the systems state. _reversed_prop_noise: List[List[ControlMatrix]], shape [[] * (num_t + 1)] * num_noise_traces Cumulation of propagators in reversed order for the individual noise traces. _derivative_prop_noise: List[List[List[ControlMatrix]]], shape [[[] * num_t] * num_ctrl] * num_noise_traces Frechet derivatives of the propagators by the control amplitudes for the individual noise traces. Methods ------- propagators_noise: List[List[ControlMatrix]], shape [[] * num_t] * num_noise_traces Propagators for the individual noise traces. forward_propagators_noise: List[List[ControlMatrix]], shape [[] * (num_t + 1)] * num_noise_traces Cumulation of the propagators for the individual noise traces. They describe the forward propagation of the systems state. reversed_propagators_noise: List[List[ControlMatrix]], shape [[] * (num_t + 1)] * num_noise_traces Cumulation of propagators in reversed order for the individual noise traces. frechet_deriv_propagators_noise: List[List[List[ControlMatrix]]], shape [[[] * num_t] * num_ctrl] * num_noise_traces Frechet derivatives of the propagators by the control amplitudes for the individual noise traces. create_ff_h_n(self): List[List[np.ndarray, list, str]], shape [[]]*num_noise_operators Creates the noise hamiltonian of the filter function formalism. """ def __init__( self, h_drift: List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix], h_ctrl: List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix], tau: np.array, h_noise: List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix], noise_trace_generator: Optional[noise.NoiseTraceGenerator], initial_state: q_mat.OperatorMatrix = None, ctrl_amps: Optional[np.array] = None, calculate_propagator_derivatives: bool = False, processes: Optional[int] = 1, filter_function_h_n: Union[ Callable, List[List], None] = None, filter_function_basis: Optional[basis.Basis] = None, filter_function_n_coeffs_deriv: Optional[ Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]] = None, exponential_method: Optional[str] = None, frechet_deriv_approx_method: Optional[str] = None, is_skew_hermitian: bool = True, transfer_function: Optional[TransferFunction] = None, amplitude_function: Optional[AmplitudeFunction] = None, noise_amplitude_function: Optional[Callable[ [np.array, np.array, np.array, np.array], np.array]] = None ): super().__init__( h_drift=h_drift, h_ctrl=h_ctrl, initial_state=initial_state, tau=tau, ctrl_amps=ctrl_amps, filter_function_h_n=filter_function_h_n, filter_function_basis=filter_function_basis, filter_function_n_coeffs_deriv=filter_function_n_coeffs_deriv, exponential_method=exponential_method, calculate_propagator_derivatives=calculate_propagator_derivatives, frechet_deriv_approx_method=frechet_deriv_approx_method, is_skew_hermitian=is_skew_hermitian, transfer_function=transfer_function, amplitude_function=amplitude_function) self.h_noise = h_noise self.noise_trace_generator = noise_trace_generator self.noise_amplitude_function = noise_amplitude_function self.processes = processes self._dyn_gen_noise = None self._prop_noise = None self._derivative_prop_noise = None self._fwd_prop_noise = None self._reversed_prop_noise = None
[docs] def set_optimization_parameters(self, y: np.array) -> None: """See base class. """ if not np.array_equal(self._opt_pars, y): self.reset_cached_propagators() super().set_optimization_parameters(y)
[docs] def reset_cached_propagators(self): """See base class. """ super().reset_cached_propagators() self._dyn_gen_noise = None self._prop_noise = None self._derivative_prop_noise = None self._fwd_prop_noise = None self._reversed_prop_noise = None
@property def propagators_noise(self) -> List[List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix]]: """ Returns the propagators of the system for each noise trace and calculates them if necessary. Returns ------- propagators_noise: List[List[ControlMatrix]], shape [[] * num_t] * num_noise_traces Propagators of the system for each noise trace. """ if self._prop_noise is None: self._compute_propagation() return self._prop_noise @property def forward_propagators_noise(self) -> List[List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix]]: """ Returns the forward propagation of the initial state for every time slice and every noise trace and calculate it if necessary. If the initial state is the identity matrix, then the cumulative propagators are given. The element forward_propagators[k][i] propagates a state by the first i time steps under the kth noise trace, if the initial state is the identity matrix. Returns ------- forward_propagation:List[List[ControlMatrix]], shape [[] * (num_t + 1)] * num_noise_traces Propagation of the initial state of the system. fwd[0] gives the initial state itself. """ if self._fwd_prop_noise is None: self._compute_forward_propagation() return self._fwd_prop_noise @property def frechet_deriv_propagators_noise(self) \ -> List[List[List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix]]]: """ Returns the frechet derivatives of the propagators with respect to the control amplitudes for each noise trace. Returns ------- derivative_prop_noise: List[List[List[ControlMatrix]]], shape [[[] * num_t] * num_ctrl] * num_noise_traces Frechet derivatives of the propagators by the control amplitudes. """ if self._derivative_prop_noise is None: self._compute_propagation_derivatives() return self._derivative_prop_noise @property def reversed_propagators_noise(self) -> List[List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix]]: """ Returns the reversed propagation of the initial state for every noise trace and calculate it if necessary. If the initial state is the identity matrix, then the reversed cumulative propagators are given. The element forward_propagators[k][i] propagates a state by the first i time steps under the kth noise trace, if the initial state is the identity matrix. Returns ------- reversed_propagation_noise: List[List[ControlMatrix]], shape [[] * (num_t + 1)] * num_noise_traces Propagation of the initial state of the system. reversed[k][0] gives the initial state itself. """ if self._reversed_prop_noise is None: self._compute_reversed_propagation() return self._reversed_prop_noise def _compute_dyn_gen_noise(self) -> List[List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix]]: """ Computes the dynamics generators for the perturbed and unperturbed Schroedinger equation. Returns ------- dyn_gen_noise: List[List[q_mat.ControlMatrix]], shape [[] * num_t] * num_noise_traces Dynamics generators for each noise trace. """ # compute the generators of the unperturbed dynamics self._dyn_gen = super()._compute_dyn_gen() # compute the generators for the noise traces. n_noise_traces = self.noise_trace_generator.n_traces noise_samples = self.noise_trace_generator.noise_samples # we transpose, so we iterate over the time last noise_samples = np.transpose(noise_samples, (2, 1, 0)) if self.noise_amplitude_function: noise_samples = self.noise_amplitude_function( noise_samples=noise_samples, optimization_parameters=self._opt_pars, transferred_parameters=self.transferred_parameters, control_amplitudes=self._ctrl_amps ) self._dyn_gen_noise = [[dyn_gen.copy() for dyn_gen in self._dyn_gen] for _ in range(n_noise_traces)] for t, sample_stack in enumerate(noise_samples): for n_trace, trace in enumerate(sample_stack): for operator_sample, operator in zip(trace, self.h_noise): self._dyn_gen_noise[n_trace][t] += \ (-1j * operator_sample) * operator return self._dyn_gen_noise def _compute_propagation( self, calculate_propagator_derivatives: Optional[bool] = None ) -> None: """ Computes the propagators for the perturbed Schroedinger equation and the derivatives on demand. Parameters ---------- calculate_propagator_derivatives: bool, optional Calculate the derivatives of the propagators with respect to the control amplitudes if true. """ if self._dyn_gen_noise is None: self._dyn_gen_noise = self._compute_dyn_gen_noise() n_noise_traces = self.noise_trace_generator.n_traces num_t = len(self.transferred_time) num_ctrl = len(self.h_ctrl) self._prop_noise = [[None for _ in range(num_t)] for _2 in range(n_noise_traces)] if calculate_propagator_derivatives is None: calculate_propagator_derivatives = \ self.calculate_propagator_derivatives # parallelization of following code probably unnecessary if calculate_propagator_derivatives: self._derivative_prop_noise = \ [[[None for _ in range(num_t)] for _2 in range(num_ctrl)] for _3 in range(n_noise_traces)] derivative_directions = self._compute_derivative_directions() # call the parent method for the noiseless propagators super()._compute_propagation( calculate_propagator_derivatives=calculate_propagator_derivatives) if self.processes == 1: if calculate_propagator_derivatives: for k in range(n_noise_traces): for t in range(num_t): for ctrl in range(len(self.h_ctrl)): self._prop_noise[k][t], \ self._derivative_prop_noise[k][ctrl][t] \ = self._dyn_gen_noise[k][t].dexp( derivative_directions[t][ctrl], self.transferred_time[t], compute_expm=True, method=self.exponential_method, is_skew_hermitian=self._is_skew_hermitian) else: for k in range(n_noise_traces): for t in range(num_t): self._prop_noise[k][t] = self._dyn_gen_noise[k][t].exp( tau=self.transferred_time[t], method=self.exponential_method, is_skew_hermitian=self._is_skew_hermitian) elif (type(self.processes) == int and self.processes > 0) \ or self.processes is None: if calculate_propagator_derivatives: raise NotImplementedError else: input_dicts = [] for k in range(n_noise_traces): input_dicts.append(dict()) input_dicts[-1]['time'] = self.transferred_time input_dicts[-1]['matrices'] = self._dyn_gen_noise[k] input_dicts[-1]['method'] = self.exponential_method input_dicts[-1][ 'is_skew_hermitian'] = self._is_skew_hermitian with Pool(processes=self.processes) as pool: self._prop_noise = _compute_matrix_exponentials, input_dicts) else: raise ValueError('Invalid number of processes for parallel ' 'computation!') def _compute_forward_propagation(self) -> None: """Computes the forward propagators. """ super()._compute_forward_propagation() if self._prop_noise is None: self._compute_propagation() self._fwd_prop_noise = [ [self.initial_state.copy(), ] for _ in range(self.noise_trace_generator.n_traces)] for fwd_per_trace, prop_per_trace in zip(self._fwd_prop_noise, self._prop_noise): for prop in prop_per_trace: fwd_per_trace.append(prop * fwd_per_trace[-1]) def _compute_reversed_propagation(self) -> None: """Compute the reversed propagation. For the perturbed and unperturbed Schroedinger equation. """ super()._compute_reversed_propagation() if self._prop_noise is None: self._compute_propagation() self._reversed_prop_noise = [ [self._prop[0].identity_like(), ] for _ in range(self.noise_trace_generator.n_traces)] for rev_per_trace, prop_per_trace in zip(self._reversed_prop_noise, self._prop_noise): for prop in prop_per_trace[::-1]: rev_per_trace.append(rev_per_trace[-1] * prop) def _compute_propagation_derivatives(self) -> None: """ Computes the frechet derivatives of the propagators. The derivatives are not returned but cached. Since the function is only called when no derivatives are cached, the approximation is prioritised. """ if not self.frechet_deriv_approx_method: self._compute_propagation(calculate_propagator_derivatives=True) elif self.frechet_deriv_approx_method == 'grape': super()._compute_propagation_derivatives() if self._prop_noise is None: self._compute_propagation( calculate_propagator_derivatives=False) n_noise_traces = self.noise_trace_generator.n_traces num_t = len(self.transferred_time) num_ctrl = len(self.h_ctrl) self._derivative_prop_noise = [ [[None for _ in range(num_t)] for _2 in range(num_ctrl)] for _3 in range(n_noise_traces)] derivative_directions = self._compute_derivative_directions() for k in range(n_noise_traces): for t in range(len(self.transferred_time)): for ctrl in range(num_ctrl): self._derivative_prop_noise[k][ctrl][t] = \ self.transferred_time[t] * derivative_directions[t][ctrl] \ * self._prop_noise[k][t] else: raise ValueError('Unknown gradient derivative approximation ' 'method:' + str(self.frechet_deriv_approx_method)) @property def create_ff_h_n(self) -> list: """Creates the noise hamiltonian of the filter function formalism. If `filter_function_h_n` is None, then the filter function noise Hamiltonian is created from the Monte Carlo noise Hamiltonian by directly using the Operators and assuming all noise susceptibilities equal 1. Returns ------- create_ff_h_n: nested list Noise Hamiltonian of the filter function formalism. """ if type(self._filter_function_h_n) == list: h_n = self._filter_function_h_n else: h_n = self._filter_function_h_n(self._opt_pars) if not h_n: h_n = [] for i, noise_operator in enumerate(self.h_noise): if type(noise_operator) == matrix.DenseOperator: noise_operator = h_n += [[noise_operator, len(self.transferred_time) * [1], 'Noise' + str(i)], ] return h_n
[docs]class SchroedingerSMCControlNoise(SchroedingerSMonteCarlo): """ Convenience class like `SchroedingerSMonteCarlo` but with noise on the optimization parameters. This time slot computer solves the Schroedinger equation explicitly for concrete control noise realizations. This time slot computer assumes, that the noise is sampled on the time scale of the already transferred optimization parameters. The control Hamiltionians are also used as noise Hamiltionians and the noise amplitude function adds the noise samples to the unperturbed transferred optimization parameters and applies the amplitude function of the control amplitudes. """ def __init__( self, h_drift: List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix], h_ctrl: List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix], tau: np.array, noise_trace_generator: Optional[noise.NoiseTraceGenerator], initial_state: q_mat.OperatorMatrix = None, ctrl_amps: Optional[np.array] = None, calculate_propagator_derivatives: bool = False, processes: Optional[int] = 1, filter_function_h_n: Union[ Callable, List[List], None] = None, filter_function_basis: Optional[basis.Basis] = None, filter_function_n_coeffs_deriv: Optional[ Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]] = None, exponential_method: Optional[str] = None, frechet_deriv_approx_method: Optional[str] = None, is_skew_hermitian: bool = True, transfer_function: Optional[TransferFunction] = None, amplitude_function: Optional[AmplitudeFunction] = None): def noise_amplitude_function(noise_samples: np.array, transferred_parameters: np.array, control_amplitudes: np.array, **_): """Calculates the noise amplitudes. Takes into account the actual optimization parameters and random variations. Parameters ---------- noise_samples: np.array, shape() Noise samples calculated by the noise trace generator. transferred_parameters: np.array Transferred optimization parameters. control_amplitudes: np.array Control amplitudes. """ # noise_amplitudes = np.zeros_like(noise_samples, dtype=complex) noise_amplitudes = np.zeros( (noise_samples.shape[0], noise_samples.shape[1], control_amplitudes.shape[1]), dtype=complex) # complex values were requested. for trace_num in range(noise_samples.shape[1]): noise_amplitudes[:, trace_num, :] = self.amplitude_function( transferred_parameters + noise_samples[:, trace_num, :]) \ - control_amplitudes return noise_amplitudes super().__init__( h_drift=h_drift, h_ctrl=h_ctrl, initial_state=initial_state, tau=tau, h_noise=h_ctrl, noise_trace_generator=noise_trace_generator, ctrl_amps=ctrl_amps, calculate_propagator_derivatives=calculate_propagator_derivatives, processes=processes, filter_function_h_n=filter_function_h_n, filter_function_basis=filter_function_basis, filter_function_n_coeffs_deriv=filter_function_n_coeffs_deriv, exponential_method=exponential_method, frechet_deriv_approx_method=frechet_deriv_approx_method, is_skew_hermitian=is_skew_hermitian, transfer_function=transfer_function, amplitude_function=amplitude_function, noise_amplitude_function=noise_amplitude_function )
[docs]class LindbladSolver(SchroedingerSolver): r""" Solves a master equation for an open quantum system in the Markov approximation using the Lindblad super operator formalism. The master equation to be solved is .. math:: d \rho / dt = i [\rho, H] + \sum_k (L_k \rho L_k^\dagger - .5 L_k^\dagger L_k \rho - .5 \rho L_k^\dagger L_k) with the Lindblad operators L_k. The solution is calculated as .. math:: \rho(t) = exp[(-i \mathcal{H} + \mathcal{G})t] \rho(0) with the dissipative super operator .. math:: \mathcal{G} = \sum_k D(L_k) .. math:: D(L) = L^\ast \otimes L - .5 I \otimes (L^\dagger L) - .5 (L^T L^\ast) \otimes I The dissipation super operator can be given in three different ways. 1. A nested list of dissipation super operators D(L_k) as control matrices. 2. A nested list of Lindblad operators L as control matrices. 3. A function handle receiving the control amplitudes as sole argument and returning a dissipation super operator as list of control matrices. Optionally a prefactor function can be given for 1. and 2. This function receives the control parameters and returns an array of the shape num_t x num_l where num_t is the number of time steps in the control and num_l is the number of Lindblad operators or dissipation super operators. If multiple construction arguments are given, the implementation prioritises the function (3.) over the Lindblad operators (2.) over the dissipation super operator (1.). Parameters ---------- initial_diss_super_op: List[ControlMatrix], len num_t Initial dissipation super operator; num_l is the number of Lindbladians. Set if you want to use (1.) (See documentation above!). The control matrices are expected to be of shape (dim, dim) where dim is the dimension of the system. lindblad_operators: List[ControlMatrix], len num_l Lindblad operators; num_l is the number of Lindbladians. Set if you want to use (2.) (See documentation above!). The Lindblad operators are assumend to be of shape (dim, dim) where dim is the dimension of the system. prefactor_function: Callable[[np.array, np.array], np.array] Receives the control amplitudes u (as numpy array of shape (num_t, num_ctrl)) and the transferred optimization parameters (as numpy array of shape (num_t, num_opt)) and returns prefactors as numpy array of shape (num_t, num_l). The prefactors a_k are used as weights in the sum of the total dissipation operator. .. math:: \mathcal{G} = \sum_k a_k * D(L_k) If the Lindblad operator is for example given by a complex number b_k times a constant (in time) matrix C_k. .. math:: L_k = b_k * C_k Then the prefactor is the squared absolute value of this number: .. math:: a_k = |b_k|^2 Set if you want to use method (1.) or (2.). (See class documentation.) prefactor_derivative_function: Callable[[np.array, np.array], np.array] Receives the control amplitudes u (as numpy array of shape (num_t, num_ctrl)) and the transferred optimization parameters (as numpy array of shape (num_t, num_opt)) and returns the derivatives of the prefactors as numpy array of shape (num_t, num_ctrl, num_l). The derivatives d_k are used as weights in the sum of the derivative of the total dissipation operator. .. math:: d \mathcal{G} / d u_k = \sum_k d_k * D(L_k) If the Lindblad operator is for example given by a complex number b_k times a constant (in time) matrix C_k. And this number depends on the control amplitudes u_k .. math:: L_k = b_k (u_k) * C_k Then the derivative of the prefactor is the derivative of the squared absolute value of this number: .. math:: d_k = d |b_k|^2 / d u_k Set if you want to use method (1.) or (2.). (See class documentation.) super_operator_function: Callable[[np.array, np.array], List[ControlMatrix]] Receives the control amlitudes u (as numpy array of shape (num_t, num_ctrl)) and the transferred optimization parameters (as numpy array of shape (num_t, num_opt)) and returns the total dissipation operators as list of length num_t. Set if you want to use method (3.). (See class documentation.) super_operator_derivative_function: Callable[[np.array, np.array], List[List[ControlMatrix]]] Receives the control amlitudes u (as numpy array of shape (num_t, num_ctrl)) and the transferred optimization parameters (as numpy array of shape (num_t, num_opt)) and returns the derivatives of the total dissipation operators as nested list of shape [[] * num_ctrl] * num_t. Set if you want to use method (3.). (See class documentation.) is_skew_hermitian: bool If True, then the total dynamics generator is assumed to be skew hermitian. Attributes ---------- _diss_sup_op: List[ControlMatrix], len num_t Total dissipaton super operator. _diss_sup_op_deriv: List[List[ControlMatrix]], shape [[] * num_ctrl] * num_t Derivative of the total dissipation operator with respect to the control amplitudes. _initial_diss_super_op: List[ControlMatrix], len num_l Initial dissipation super operator; num_l is the number of Lindbladians. _lindblad_operatorsList[ControlMatrix], len num_l Lindblad operators; num_l is the number of Lindbladians. _prefactor_function: Callable[[np.array], np.array] Receives the control amplitudes u (as numpy array of shape (num_t, num_ctrl)) and returns prefactors as numpy array of shape (num_t, num_l). The prefactors a_k are used as weights in the sum of the total dissipation operator. .. math:: \mathcal{G} = \sum_k a_k * D(L_k) If the Lindblad operator is for example given by a complex number b_k times a constant (in time) matrix C_k. .. math:: L_k = b_k * C_k Then the prefactor is the squared absolute value of this number: .. math:: a_k = |b_k|^2 Set if you want to use method (1.) or (2.). (See class documentation.) _prefactor_deriv_function: Callable[[np.array], np.array] Receives the control amplitudes u (as numpy array of shape (num_t, num_ctrl)) and returns the derivatives of the prefactors as numpy array of shape (num_t, num_ctrl, num_l). The derivatives d_k are used as weights in the sum of the derivative of the total dissipation operator. .. math:: d \mathcal{G} / d u_k = \sum_k d_k * D(L_k) If the Lindblad operator is for example given by a complex number b_k times a constant (in time) matrix C_k. And this number depends on the control amplitudes u_k .. math:: L_k = b_k (u_k) * C_k Then the derivative of the prefactor is the derivative of the squared absolute value of this number: .. math:: d_k = d |b_k|^2 / d u_k _sup_op_func: Callable[[np.array], List[ControlMatrix]] Receives the control amplitudes u (as numpy array of shape (num_t, num_ctrl)) and returns the total dissipation operators as list of length num_t. _sup_op_deriv_func: Callable[[np.array], List[List[ControlMatrix]]] Receives the control amplitudes u (as numpy array of shape (num_t, num_ctrl)) and returns the derivatives of the total dissipation operators as nested list of shape [[] * num_ctrl] * num_t. Methods ------- _parse_dissipative_super_operator: None _calc_diss_sup_op: List[ControlMatrix] Calculates the total dissipation super operator. _calc_diss_sup_op_deriv: Optional[List[List[ControlMatrix]]] Calculates the derivatives of the total dissipation super operators with respect to the control amplitudes. `Todo` * Write parser """ def __init__( self, h_drift: List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix], h_ctrl: List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix], tau: np.array, initial_state: q_mat.OperatorMatrix = None, ctrl_amps: Optional[np.array] = None, calculate_unitary_derivatives: bool = False, filter_function_h_n: Union[ Callable, List[List], None] = None, filter_function_basis: Optional[basis.Basis] = None, filter_function_n_coeffs_deriv: Optional[ Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]] = None, exponential_method: Optional[str] = None, frechet_deriv_approx_method: Optional[str] = None, initial_diss_super_op: List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix] = None, lindblad_operators: List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix] = None, prefactor_function: Callable[[np.array, np.array], np.array] = None, prefactor_derivative_function: Callable[[np.array, np.array], np.array] = None, super_operator_function: Callable[[np.array, np.array], List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix]] = None, super_operator_derivative_function: Callable[[np.array, np.array], List[List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix]]] = None, is_skew_hermitian: bool = False, transfer_function: Optional[TransferFunction] = None, amplitude_function: Optional[AmplitudeFunction] = None) \ -> None: if initial_state is None: dim = h_ctrl[0].shape[0] initial_state = type(h_ctrl[0])(np.eye(dim ** 2)) self._diss_sup_op = None self._diss_sup_op_deriv = None # we do not throw away any operators or functions, just in case self._initial_diss_super_op = initial_diss_super_op self._lindblad_operators = lindblad_operators self._prefactor_function = prefactor_function self._prefactor_deriv_function = prefactor_derivative_function self._sup_op_func = super_operator_function self._sup_op_deriv_func = super_operator_derivative_function self._is_hermitian = is_skew_hermitian super().__init__( h_drift=h_drift, h_ctrl=h_ctrl, initial_state=initial_state, tau=tau, ctrl_amps=ctrl_amps, calculate_propagator_derivatives=calculate_unitary_derivatives, filter_function_h_n=filter_function_h_n, filter_function_basis=filter_function_basis, filter_function_n_coeffs_deriv=filter_function_n_coeffs_deriv, exponential_method=exponential_method, frechet_deriv_approx_method=frechet_deriv_approx_method, is_skew_hermitian=is_skew_hermitian, transfer_function=transfer_function, amplitude_function=amplitude_function)
[docs] def set_optimization_parameters(self, y: np.array) -> None: """See base class. """ if not np.array_equal(self._opt_pars, y): super().set_optimization_parameters(y) self.reset_cached_propagators()
[docs] def reset_cached_propagators(self): """ See base class. """ super().reset_cached_propagators() if self._prefactor_function is not None \ or self._sup_op_func is not None: self._diss_sup_op = None self._diss_sup_op_deriv = None
def _calc_diss_sup_op(self) -> List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix]: r""" Calculates the dissipative super operator as described in the class doc string. Returns ------- diss_sup_op: List[ControlMatrix], len num_t Dissipation super operator; Where num_t is the number of time steps. """ if self._sup_op_func is None: # use Lindblad operators if self._lindblad_operators is None: # use dissipation_sup_op const_diss_sup_op = self._initial_diss_super_op else: # Calculate the time constant dissipation super operators # without time dependence const_diss_sup_op = [] identity = self._lindblad_operators[0].identity_like() for lindblad in self._lindblad_operators: const_diss_sup_op.append( (lindblad.conj(do_copy=True)).kron(lindblad)) const_diss_sup_op[-1] -= .5 * identity.kron( lindblad.dag(do_copy=True) * lindblad) const_diss_sup_op[-1] -= .5 * ( lindblad.transpose(do_copy=True) * lindblad.conj(do_copy=True)).kron(identity) # Add the time dependence if self._prefactor_function is not None: self._diss_sup_op = [] prefactors = self._prefactor_function( copy.deepcopy(self._ctrl_amps), copy.deepcopy(self.transferred_parameters)) for factor_at_time_t in prefactors: self._diss_sup_op.append( const_diss_sup_op[0] * factor_at_time_t[0]) for sup_op, factor \ in zip(const_diss_sup_op[1:], factor_at_time_t[1:]): self._diss_sup_op[-1] += sup_op * factor else: self._diss_sup_op = [const_diss_sup_op[0], ] for sup_op in const_diss_sup_op[1:]: self._diss_sup_op[0] += sup_op self._diss_sup_op *= len(self.transferred_time) else: self._diss_sup_op = self._sup_op_func( copy.deepcopy(self._ctrl_amps), copy.deepcopy(self.transferred_parameters)) return self._diss_sup_op def _calc_diss_sup_op_deriv(self) \ -> Optional[List[List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix]]]: r""" Calculates the derivatives of the dissipation super operator with respect to the control amplitudes. If the dissipation super operator is given as constant (1.) or as lindblad operators (2.) they are assumed not to depend on the control parameters and only the derivative of the prefactor is to be taken into account. In order to do so, a function handle containing the derivatives must be given. This function receives the control amplitudes as num_t x num_ctrl numpy array and returns the derivatives as num_t x num_l x num_ctrl array. If the dissipation super operator is given as function handle (3.), then the derivatives must also be given as function handle receiving the control amplitudes and returning a nested list of super operators as control matrices. If the requested derivative functions are not provided (None), then the dissipation super operator is considered constant in the control amplitudes and the function returns None. Returns ------- diss_sup_op_deriv: Optional[List[List[q_mat.ControlMatrix]]], shape [[] * num_ctrl] * num_t The derivatives of the dissipation super operator with respect to the control variables. """ if self._sup_op_deriv_func is not None: self._diss_sup_op_deriv = \ self._sup_op_deriv_func( copy.deepcopy(self._ctrl_amps), copy.deepcopy(self.transferred_parameters)) return self._diss_sup_op_deriv elif self._prefactor_deriv_function is not None: if self._lindblad_operators is None: # use dissipation_sup_op const_diss_sup_op = self._initial_diss_super_op else: # Calculate the time constant dissipation super operators # without time dependence const_diss_sup_op = [] identity = self._lindblad_operators[0].identity_like() for lindblad in self._lindblad_operators: const_diss_sup_op.append( (lindblad.conj(do_copy=True)).kron(lindblad)) const_diss_sup_op[-1] -= .5 * identity.kron( lindblad.dag(do_copy=True) * lindblad) const_diss_sup_op[-1] -= .5 * ( lindblad.transpose(do_copy=True) * lindblad.conj(do_copy=True)).kron(identity) prefactor_derivatives = \ self._prefactor_deriv_function( copy.deepcopy(self._ctrl_amps), copy.deepcopy(self.transferred_parameters)) # Todo: Assert that the prefactor returns the right dimension # prefactor_derivatives: shape (num_t, num_ctrl, num_l) diss_sup_op_deriv = [] for factor_per_ctrl_lind in prefactor_derivatives: # create new sub list for eacht time step diss_sup_op_deriv.append([]) for factor_per_lind in factor_per_ctrl_lind: # add the first term for each control direction diss_sup_op_deriv[-1].append( const_diss_sup_op[0] * factor_per_lind[0]) for diss_sup_op, factor in zip( const_diss_sup_op[1:], factor_per_lind[1:]): # add the remaining terms diss_sup_op_deriv[-1][-1] += diss_sup_op * factor self._diss_sup_op_deriv = diss_sup_op_deriv return diss_sup_op_deriv else: return None def _compute_derivative_directions( self) -> List[List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix]]: r""" Computes the derivative directions of the total dynamics generator. Returns ------- deriv_directions: List[List[q_mat.ControlMatrix]], shape [[] * num_ctrl] * num_t Derivative directions given by .. math:: -1j * (I \otimes H_k - H_k \otimes I) + d \mathcal{G} / d u_k """ # derivative of the coherent part identity_times_i = self.h_ctrl[0].identity_like() identity_times_i *= -1j h_ctrl_sup_op = [] for ctrl_op in self.h_ctrl: h_ctrl_sup_op.append(identity_times_i.kron(ctrl_op)) h_ctrl_sup_op[-1] -= (ctrl_op.transpose(do_copy=True)).kron( identity_times_i) # add derivative of the dissipation part if self._diss_sup_op_deriv is None: self._diss_sup_op_deriv = self._calc_diss_sup_op_deriv() if self._diss_sup_op_deriv is not None: dh_by_ctrl = [] for diss_sup_op_deriv_at_t in self._diss_sup_op_deriv: dh_by_ctrl.append([]) for diss_sup_op_deriv, ctrl_sup_op \ in zip(diss_sup_op_deriv_at_t, h_ctrl_sup_op): dh_by_ctrl[-1].append(diss_sup_op_deriv + ctrl_sup_op) else: dh_by_ctrl = [h_ctrl_sup_op, ] * len(self.transferred_time) return dh_by_ctrl def _parse_dissipative_super_operator(self) -> None: r""" check the dissipative super operator for dimensional consistency (maybe even physical properties) - not implemented yet - """ pass def _compute_dyn_gen(self) -> List[q_mat.OperatorMatrix]: r""" Computes the dynamics generator for the Lindblad master equation. The Hamiltonian is translated into the master equation formalism as .. math:: \mathcal{H} = I \otimes H - H^\ast \otimes I Then the dissipation super operator is added. Returns ------- dyn_gen: List[ControlMatrix], len num_t Dynamics generators for the master equation. Raises ------ ValueError: The computation is only defined for the use of dense control matrices. """ self._dyn_gen = super()._compute_dyn_gen() if self._diss_sup_op is None: self._diss_sup_op = self._calc_diss_sup_op() identiy_operator = self._dyn_gen[0].identity_like() sup_op_dyn_gen = [] assert(len(self._dyn_gen) == len(self._diss_sup_op)) for dyn_gen, diss_sup_op in zip(self._dyn_gen, self._diss_sup_op): sup_op_dyn_gen.append(identiy_operator.kron(dyn_gen)) # the cancelling minus sign accounts for the -i factor, which is # also conjugated (included in the dyn gen) sup_op_dyn_gen[-1] += dyn_gen.conj(do_copy=True).kron( identiy_operator) sup_op_dyn_gen[-1] += diss_sup_op self._dyn_gen = sup_op_dyn_gen return sup_op_dyn_gen
[docs]class LindbladSControlNoise(LindbladSolver): """ Special case of the Lindblad master equation. It considers white noise on the control parameters. The same functionality should be implementable with the parent class, but less convenient. """ @needs_refactoring def __init__(self, h_drift, h_ctrl, initial_state, tau, ctrl_amps, transfer_function=None, calculate_unitary_derivatives=True, filter_function_h_n=None, exponential_method=None, lindblad_operators=None, constant_lindblad_operators=False, noise_psd=1): super().__init__( h_drift=h_drift, h_ctrl=h_ctrl, initial_state=initial_state, tau=tau, ctrl_amps=ctrl_amps, calculate_unitary_derivatives=calculate_unitary_derivatives, filter_function_h_n=filter_function_h_n, exponential_method=exponential_method) if lindblad_operators is None: self.lindblad_super_operator = None else: d = lindblad_operators[0].shape[0] self.lindblad_super_operator = np.zeros( (len(lindblad_operators), d**2, d**2)) for i, l in enumerate(lindblad_operators): self.lindblad_super_operator[i, :, :] += np.kron(np.conj(l), l) self.lindblad_super_operator[i, :, :] += -.5 * np.kron( np.eye(d), l.T.conj() @ l) self.lindblad_super_operator[i, :, :] += -.5 * np.kron( l.T @ l.conj(), np.eye(d)) self.transfer_function = transfer_function # if no transfer function is given it might be consider to be identity # its not necessarily required self.constant_lindblad_operators = constant_lindblad_operators self.noise_psd = noise_psd self.incoherent_dyn_gen = None def _compute_propagation(self): """ """ # Compute and cache all dyn_gen (basically the total hamiltonian) self._dyn_gen = copy.deepcopy(self.h_drift) self._dyn_gen += np.sum(self._ctrl_amps * self.h_ctrl, axis=1) # initialize the attributes self._prop = [None] * self.num_t self._dU = np.array(shape=(self.num_t, self.num_ctrl), dtype=matrix.DenseOperator) self._fwd = [self.initial_state] # super operator calculation # this is the special case for charge noise on the control parameters # the required filter function contains if not self.constant_lindblad_operators or \ self.incoherent_dyn_gen is None: transfer_matrix = self.transfer_function.transfer_matrix self.incoherent_dyn_gen = np.einsum('ijk,klm,k->ilm', transfer_matrix, self.lindblad_super_operator, self.noise_psd) dim = self._dyn_gen[0].shape[0] for i, gen in enumerate(self._dyn_gen): gen = -1j * np.kron( np.eye(dim), - np.kron(, np.eye(dim)) gen += self.incoherent_dyn_gen[i, :, :] gen = matrix.DenseOperator(gen) # calculation of the propagators for t in range(len(self.num_t)): if self.calculate_propagator_derivatives: for ctrl in range(self.num_ctrl): direction = np.kron( np.eye(dim), self.h_ctrl[t][ctrl]) - np.kron( self.h_ctrl[t][ctrl], np.eye(dim)) self._prop[t], self._dU[t, ctrl] = self._dyn_gen[t].dexp( direction=direction, tau=self.transferred_time[t], compute_expm=True, method=self.exponential_method) else: self._prop[t] = self._dyn_gen[t].exp( tau=self.transferred_time[t], method=self.exponential_method) self._fwd.append(self._prop[t] * self._fwd[t]) self.prop_calculated = True