Source code for qopt.optimize

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# =============================================================================
#     qopt
#     Copyright (C) 2020 Julian Teske, Forschungszentrum Juelich
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
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This module contains interfaces to optimization algorithms or the algorithms

Currently it supports interfacing to least squares and minimization algorithms
of the scipy package. Conditionally, a simulated annealing is supported, if the
simanneal package is included in the environment. (See installation
instructions on The classes for simulated
annealing are in an experimental state and not well tested!

The `Optimizer` class uses the `Simulator` as interface to the cost functions
evaluated after the simulation.

    Base class optimizer.

    An interface to scipy's least squares optimizer.

    An interface to scipy's minimize functions.

    Exception for exceeding the optimization's time limit.

    Helper class for `SimulatedAnnealing`.

    Simulated annealing as optimization.

The implementation was inspired by the optimal control package of QuTiP [1]_
(Quantum Toolbox in Python)

.. [1] J. R. Johansson, P. D. Nation, and F. Nori: "QuTiP 2: A Python framework
    for the dynamics of open quantum systems.", Comp. Phys. Comm. 184, 1234
    (2013) [DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2012.11.019].

import copy

import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.optimize
import time
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, Optional, Callable, List, Union, Sequence
from unittest import mock
from warnings import warn

from qopt import optimization_data, simulator, performance_statistics

import time
import sys

    import simanneal
except ImportError:
    warn('simanneal not installed. '
         'SimulatedAnnealing is not available')
    simanneal = mock.Mock()

default_termination_conditions = {
    "min_gradient_norm": 1e-7,
    "min_cost_gain": 1e-7,
    "max_wall_time": 10 * 60.0,
    "max_cost_func_calls": 1e6,
    "max_iterations": 10000,
    "min_amplitude_change": 1e-8

[docs]class WallTimeExceeded(Exception): """Raised when the time limit for the optimization is exceeded. """ pass
[docs]class Optimizer(ABC): """ Abstract base class for the optimizer. Parameters ---------- system_simulator : Simulator The simulator is the interface to the simulation. termination_cond: dict, optional The termination conditions of the optimization. save_intermediary_steps: bool, optional If True, then the results from intermediary steps are stored. Defaults to True. cost_func_weights: list of float, optional The cost functions are multiplied with these weights during the optimisation. use_jacobian_function: bool, optional If set to true, then the jacobians are calculated analytically. Defaults to True. store_optimizer: bool, optional If True, then the optimizer stores itself in the result class. Defaults to False Attributes ---------- system_simulator : Simulator The simulator is the interface to the simulation. pulse_shape : Tuple of int The shape of the control amplitudes is saved and used for the cost functions while the optimization function might need them flatted. cost_func_weights: list of float, optional The cost functions are multiplied with these weights during the optimisation. use_jacobian_function: bool, optional If set to true, then the jacobians are calculated analytically. store_optimizer: bool, optional If True, then the optimizer stores itself in the result class. Defaults to False """ def __init__( self, system_simulator: Optional[simulator.Simulator] = None, termination_cond: Optional[Dict] = None, save_intermediary_steps: bool = True, cost_func_weights: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None, use_jacobian_function=True, store_optimizer: bool = False ): self.system_simulator = system_simulator self.use_jacobian_function = use_jacobian_function self.termination_conditions = default_termination_conditions if termination_cond is not None: self.termination_conditions.update(**termination_cond) self.optim_iter_summary = None self.pulse_shape = () self._opt_start_time = 0 self._min_costs = np.inf self._min_costs_par = None self._n_cost_fkt_eval = 0 self._n_jac_fkt_eval = 0 # flags: self.save_intermediary_steps = save_intermediary_steps self.store_optimizer = store_optimizer self.cost_func_weights = cost_func_weights if self.cost_func_weights is not None: self.cost_func_weights = np.asarray( self.cost_func_weights).flatten() if len(self.cost_func_weights) == 0: self.cost_func_weights = None
[docs] def cost_func_wrapper(self, optimization_parameters): """Wraps the cost function given by the simulator class. The relevant information for the analysis is saved. Parameters ---------- optimization_parameters: np.array Raw optimization parameters in a linear array. Returns ------- costs: np.array, shape (n_fun) Cost values. """ if (time.time() - self._opt_start_time) \ > self.termination_conditions['max_wall_time']: raise WallTimeExceeded costs = self.system_simulator.wrapped_cost_functions( optimization_parameters.reshape(self.pulse_shape[::-1]).T) if self.save_intermediary_steps: self.optim_iter_summary.iter_num += 1 self.optim_iter_summary.costs.append(costs) self.optim_iter_summary.parameters.append( optimization_parameters.reshape(self.pulse_shape[::-1]).T ) if np.linalg.norm(costs) < np.linalg.norm(self._min_costs): self._min_costs = costs self._min_costs_par = optimization_parameters.reshape( self.pulse_shape[::-1]).T # apply the cost function weights after saving the values. if self.cost_func_weights is not None: costs *= self.cost_func_weights self._n_cost_fkt_eval += 1 return costs
[docs] def cost_jacobian_wrapper(self, optimization_parameters): """Wraps the cost Jacobian function given by the simulator class. The relevant information for the analysis is saved. Parameters ---------- optimization_parameters: np.array Raw optimization parameters in a linear array. Returns ------- jacobian: np.array, shape (num_func, num_t * num_amp) Jacobian of the cost functions. """ jacobian = self.system_simulator.wrapped_jac_function( optimization_parameters.reshape(self.pulse_shape[::-1]).T) if self.save_intermediary_steps: self.optim_iter_summary.gradients.append(jacobian) # jacobian shape (num_t, num_f, num_ctrl) -> (num_f, num_t * num_ctrl) jacobian = jacobian.transpose([1, 2, 0]) jacobian = jacobian.reshape( (jacobian.shape[0], jacobian.shape[1] * jacobian.shape[2])) # apply the cost function weights after saving the values. if self.cost_func_weights is not None: jacobian = np.einsum('ab, a -> ab', jacobian, self.cost_func_weights) self._n_jac_fkt_eval += 1 return jacobian
[docs] @abstractmethod def run_optimization(self, initial_control_amplitudes: np.ndarray, verbose) \ -> optimization_data.OptimizationResult: """Runs the optimization of the control amplitudes. Parameters ---------- initial_control_amplitudes : array shape (num_t, num_ctrl) verbose Verbosity of the run. Depends on which optimizer is used. Returns ------- optimization_result : `OptimizationResult` The resulting data of the simulation. """ pass
[docs] def prepare_optimization(self, initial_optimization_parameters: np.ndarray): """Prepare for the next optimization. Parameters ---------- initial_optimization_parameters : array shape (num_t, num_ctrl) Data stored in this class might be overwritten. """ self._min_costs = np.inf self._min_costs_par = None self._n_cost_fkt_eval = 0 self._n_jac_fkt_eval = 0 self.pulse_shape = initial_optimization_parameters.shape if self.save_intermediary_steps: self.optim_iter_summary = \ optimization_data.OptimizationSummary( indices=self.system_simulator.cost_indices ) self._opt_start_time = time.time() if self.system_simulator.stats is not None: # If the system simulator wants to write down statistics, then # initialise a fresh instance self.system_simulator.stats = \ performance_statistics.PerformanceStatistics() self.system_simulator.stats.start_t_opt = float( self._opt_start_time) self.system_simulator.stats.indices = \ self.system_simulator.cost_indices
[docs] def write_state_to_result(self): """ Writes the current state into an instance of 'OptimizationResult'. Intended for saving progress when terminating the optimization in an unexpected way. Returns ------- result: optimization_data.OptimizationResult The current result of the optimization. """ if self.system_simulator.stats is not None: self.system_simulator.stats.end_t_opt = time.time() if self.use_jacobian_function: jac_norm = np.linalg.norm( self.cost_jacobian_wrapper(self._min_costs_par)) else: jac_norm = 0 if self.store_optimizer: storage_opt = self else: storage_opt = None optim_result = optimization_data.OptimizationResult( final_cost=self._min_costs, indices=self.system_simulator.cost_indices, final_parameters=self._min_costs_par, final_grad_norm=jac_norm, num_iter=self._n_cost_fkt_eval, termination_reason='Maximum Wall Time Exceeded', status=5, optimizer=storage_opt, optim_summary=self.optim_iter_summary, optimization_stats=self.system_simulator.stats ) return optim_result
[docs]class LeastSquaresOptimizer(Optimizer): """ Uses the scipy least squares method for optimization. Parameters ---------- system_simulator: `Simulator` The systems simulator. termination_cond: dict Termination conditions. save_intermediary_steps: bool, optional If False, only the simulation result is stored. Defaults to False. method: str, optional The optimization method used. Currently implemented are: - 'trf': A trust region optimization algorithm. This is the default. bounds: list of array-like, optional Attention: The boundary format can vary between optimizers! The boundary conditions for the pulse optimizations. If none are given then the pulse is assumed to take any real value. The boundaries are given as a list of two arrays. The first array specifies the upper and the second array specifies the lower bounds. Single parameters can be excepted by using np.inf with appropriate sign. """ def __init__( self, system_simulator: Optional[simulator.Simulator] = None, termination_cond: Optional[Dict] = None, save_intermediary_steps: bool = True, method: str = 'trf', bounds: Union[np.ndarray, List, None] = None, use_jacobian_function=True, cost_func_weights: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None, store_optimizer: bool = False): super().__init__(system_simulator=system_simulator, termination_cond=termination_cond, save_intermediary_steps=save_intermediary_steps, cost_func_weights=cost_func_weights, use_jacobian_function=use_jacobian_function, store_optimizer=store_optimizer) self.method = method self.bounds = bounds
[docs] def run_optimization(self, initial_control_amplitudes: np.array, verbose: int = 0) -> optimization_data.OptimizationResult: """See base class. """ super().prepare_optimization( initial_optimization_parameters=initial_control_amplitudes) if self.use_jacobian_function: jac = super().cost_jacobian_wrapper else: jac = '2-point' try: result = scipy.optimize.least_squares( fun=super().cost_func_wrapper, x0=initial_control_amplitudes.T.flatten(), jac=jac, bounds=self.bounds, method=self.method, ftol=self.termination_conditions["min_cost_gain"], xtol=self.termination_conditions["min_amplitude_change"], gtol=self.termination_conditions["min_gradient_norm"], max_nfev=self.termination_conditions["max_iterations"], verbose=verbose ) if self.system_simulator.stats is not None: self.system_simulator.stats.end_t_opt = time.time() if self.store_optimizer: storage_opt = self else: storage_opt = None optim_result = optimization_data.OptimizationResult(, indices=self.system_simulator.cost_indices, final_parameters=result.x.reshape( self.pulse_shape[::-1]).T, final_grad_norm=np.linalg.norm(result.grad), num_iter=result.nfev, termination_reason=result.message, status=result.status, optimizer=storage_opt, optim_summary=self.optim_iter_summary, optimization_stats=self.system_simulator.stats ) except WallTimeExceeded: optim_result = self.write_state_to_result() return optim_result
[docs]class ScalarMinimizingOptimizer(Optimizer): """ Interfaces to the minimize functions of the optimization package in scipy. Parameters ---------- method: string Takes methods implemented by scipy.optimize.minimize. bounds: sequence, optional Attention: The boundary format can vary between optimizers! The boundary conditions for the pulse optimizations. If none are given then the pulse is assumed to take any real value. The boundaries are given as a sequence of (min, max) pairs for each element. Defaults to None. """ def __init__( self, system_simulator: Optional[simulator.Simulator] = None, termination_cond: Optional[Dict] = None, save_intermediary_steps: bool = True, method: str = 'L-BFGS-B', bounds: Union[np.ndarray, List, None] = None, use_jacobian_function=True, cost_func_weights: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None, store_optimizer: bool = False ): super().__init__(system_simulator=system_simulator, termination_cond=termination_cond, save_intermediary_steps=save_intermediary_steps, cost_func_weights=cost_func_weights, use_jacobian_function=use_jacobian_function, store_optimizer=store_optimizer) self.method = method self.bounds = bounds
[docs] def cost_func_wrapper(self, optimization_parameters): """ Evalutes the cost function. The total cost function is defined as the sum of cost functions. """ costs = super().cost_func_wrapper(optimization_parameters) scalar_costs = np.sum(costs) return scalar_costs
[docs] def cost_jacobian_wrapper(self, optimization_parameters): """ The Jacobian reduced to the gradient. The gradient is calculated by summation over the Jacobian along the function axis, because the total cost function is defined as the sum of cost functions. Returns ------- gradient: numpy array, shape (num_t * num_amp) The gradient of the costs in the 2 norm. """ jac = super().cost_jacobian_wrapper(optimization_parameters) grad = (np.sum(jac, axis=0)) return grad
[docs] def run_optimization(self, initial_control_amplitudes: np.array, verbose: bool = False) -> optimization_data.OptimizationResult: super().prepare_optimization( initial_optimization_parameters=initial_control_amplitudes) if self.use_jacobian_function: jac = self.cost_jacobian_wrapper else: jac = None if self.method == 'L-BFGS-B': try: result = scipy.optimize.minimize( fun=self.cost_func_wrapper, x0=initial_control_amplitudes.T.flatten(), jac=jac, bounds=self.bounds, method=self.method, options={ 'ftol': self.termination_conditions["min_cost_gain"], 'gtol': self.termination_conditions["min_gradient_norm"], 'maxiter': self.termination_conditions["max_iterations"], 'disp': verbose } ) if self.store_optimizer: storage_opt = self else: storage_opt = None optim_result = optimization_data.OptimizationResult(, indices=self.system_simulator.cost_indices, final_parameters=result.x.reshape( self.pulse_shape[::-1]).T, final_grad_norm=np.linalg.norm(result.jac), num_iter=result.nfev, termination_reason=result.message, status=result.status, optimizer=storage_opt, optim_summary=self.optim_iter_summary, optimization_stats=self.system_simulator.stats ) except WallTimeExceeded: optim_result = self.write_state_to_result() elif self.method == 'Nelder-Mead': try: result = scipy.optimize.minimize( fun=self.cost_func_wrapper, x0=initial_control_amplitudes.T.flatten(), bounds=self.bounds, method=self.method, options={ 'maxiter': self.termination_conditions[ "max_iterations"]}, ) if self.store_optimizer: storage_opt = self else: storage_opt = None optim_result = optimization_data.OptimizationResult(, indices=self.system_simulator.cost_indices, final_parameters=result.x.reshape( self.pulse_shape[::-1]).T, num_iter=result.nfev, termination_reason=result.message, status=result.status, optimizer=storage_opt, optim_summary=self.optim_iter_summary, optimization_stats=self.system_simulator.stats ) except WallTimeExceeded: optim_result = self.write_state_to_result() else: try: result = scipy.optimize.minimize( fun=self.cost_func_wrapper, x0=initial_control_amplitudes.T.flatten(), bounds=self.bounds, method=self.method ) optim_result = optimization_data.OptimizationResult(, indices=self.system_simulator.cost_indices, final_parameters=result.x.reshape( self.pulse_shape[::-1]).T, num_iter=result.nfev, termination_reason=result.message, status=result.status, optimizer=self, optim_summary=self.optim_iter_summary, optimization_stats=self.system_simulator.stats ) except WallTimeExceeded: optim_result = self.write_state_to_result() if self.system_simulator.stats is not None: self.system_simulator.stats.end_t_opt = time.time() return optim_result
[docs]def time_string(seconds): """Returns time in seconds as a string formatted HHHH:MM:SS.""" s = int(round(seconds)) # round to nearest second h, s = divmod(s, 3600) # get hours and remainder m, s = divmod(s, 60) # split remainder into minutes and seconds return '%4i:%02i:%02i' % (h, m, s)
class PulseAnnealer(simanneal.Annealer): """ Simulated annealer for the discrete optimization of pulses. This function implements an annealer class for the optimization of pulses. The virtual methods move and energy are reimplemented. The state is the pulse. Parameters ---------- initial_state: numpy array, shape = (n_times, n_ctrl) The initial state or initial pulse. bounds: numpy array, shape = (2, n_times, n_ctrl) Boundaries for the pulse. energy_function: callable Energy or Cost function. step_size: int The annealer will optimize taking steps of the size of all integers, whose absolute values are smaller or equal to step_size in any direction. Defaults to 1 for the optimization of integers. step_ratio: float The step ratio determines how many of the time segments are optimized at once. Tmax: float Initial or maximum temperature for the annealing algorithm. The initial temperature should be about as large as the initial infidelity. If pulses with random initial values are optimized, I suggest an initial temperature of 1. Tmin: float Final or minimal temperature. The final temperature should be at least 2 orders of magnitude smaller than the final fidelity you expect, such that the annealer does not jump close to the completion. steps: int Number of optimization steps before the pulse terminates. updates: int Number of updates. At each update the program calls the update function to document how many steps were accepted since the last update and how many of them improved the energy or cost function. """ def __init__( self, initial_state, bounds, energy_function: Callable, step_size: int, step_ratio: float, Tmax: float, Tmin: float, steps: int, updates: int ): super().__init__(initial_state=initial_state) self.Tmax = Tmax self.Tmin = Tmin self.steps = steps self.updates = updates self.bounds = bounds self.step_size = step_size self.step_ratio = step_ratio self.energy_function = energy_function def move(self): """ Moving into a random direction. This function applies a random variation to the pulse. The value of each time segment is either incremented by step_size, reduced by step_size or kept constant. """ pulse = self.state if type(self.step_size) != int: raise ValueError("The step size must be integer! But it is: " + str(self.step_size)) if self.step_size == 0: raise ValueError("The step size has been set to 0.") # Create random integers between -self.step_size and self.step_size random_step = np.random.randint( low=-1 * self.step_size, high=self.step_size + 1, size=pulse.shape ) # The update mask decides randomly which directions are neglected update_mask = np.random.rand(*random_step.shape) random_step[update_mask > self.step_ratio] = 0 new_pulse = pulse + random_step # if a limit is exceeded, set the value to the limit lower_limit_exceeded = new_pulse < self.bounds[0] upper_limit_exceeded = new_pulse > self.bounds[1] new_pulse[lower_limit_exceeded] = self.bounds[0][lower_limit_exceeded] new_pulse[upper_limit_exceeded] = self.bounds[1][upper_limit_exceeded] self.state = new_pulse return def energy(self): """The energy or cost function of the annealer. """ e = np.linalg.norm(self.energy_function(self.state.T.flatten())) return e
[docs]class SimulatedAnnealing(Optimizer): """ This class uses simulated annealing for discrete optimization. The use of this class requires the installation of the simanneal package from pypi. Parameters ---------- bounds: array of boundaries, shape: (2, num_t, num_ctrl) The boundary conditions for the pulse optimizations. bounds[0] should be the lower bounds, and bounds[1] the upper ones. initial_temperature: float Initial or maximum temperature for the annealing algorithm. The initial temperature should be about as large as the initial infidelity. If pulses with random initial values are optimized, I suggest an initial temperature of 1. Defaults to 1. final_temperature: float Final or minimal temperature. The final temperature should be at least 2 orders of magnitude smaller than the final fidelity you expect, such that the annealer does not jump close to the completion. step_size: int The annealer will optimize taking steps of the size of all integers, whose absolute values are smaller or equal to step_size in any direction. Defaults to 1 for the optimization of integers. Defaults to 1. step_ratio: float The step ratio determines how many of the time segments are optimized at once. Defaults to 1. steps: int Number of optimization steps before the pulse terminates. Defaults to 1000. updates: int Number of updates. At each update the program calls the update function to document how many steps were accepted since the last update and how many of them improved the energy or cost function. Defaults to 100. """ def __init__( self, system_simulator: Optional[simulator.Simulator], bounds: Optional[np.ndarray], store_optimizer: bool = False, initial_temperature: float = 1., final_temperature: float = 1e-6, step_size: int = 1, step_ratio: float = 1., steps: Optional[int] = 1000, updates: int = 100 ): try: import simanneal except ImportError as err: raise RuntimeError( 'Requirements not fulfilled. Please install simanneal' ) from err termination_conditions = copy.deepcopy(default_termination_conditions) termination_conditions['max_wall_time'] = 1e8 super().__init__( system_simulator=system_simulator, termination_cond=termination_conditions, save_intermediary_steps=False, store_optimizer=store_optimizer ) self.annealer = PulseAnnealer( initial_state=0, bounds=bounds, energy_function=self.cost_func_wrapper, step_size=step_size, step_ratio=step_ratio, Tmax=initial_temperature, Tmin=final_temperature, steps=steps, updates=updates )
[docs] def run_optimization(self, initial_control_amplitudes: np.ndarray, verbose=None): """See base class. """ self.prepare_optimization( initial_optimization_parameters=initial_control_amplitudes) pulse, costs = self.annealer.anneal() if self.system_simulator.stats is not None: self.system_simulator.stats.end_t_opt = time.time() if self.store_optimizer: storage_opt = self else: storage_opt = None optim_result = optimization_data.OptimizationResult( final_cost=costs, indices=self.system_simulator.cost_indices, final_parameters=pulse, optimizer=storage_opt, optim_summary=self.optim_iter_summary, optimization_stats=self.system_simulator.stats ) return optim_result
[docs] def prepare_optimization(self, initial_optimization_parameters: np.ndarray): """ See base class. """ super().prepare_optimization( initial_optimization_parameters=initial_optimization_parameters) self.annealer.state = initial_optimization_parameters