Source code for qopt.noise

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This file contains classes and helper functions for the sampling of noise

The `NoiseTraceGenerator` class and its children are used by the `Solver` class
to generate noise samples. They use various helper functions for the respective
sampling methods. In the current version, the sampling of a quasi static
distribution and the spectral noise density of fast noise is supported.

    Abstract base class defining the interface of the noise trace generators.

    Generates noise traces for quasi static noise.

    Generates noise traces of arbitrary colored spectra.

    One dimensional bell curve.

    Draw samples from the one dimensional bell curve.

    Two dimensional bell curve.

    Draw samples from the two dimensional bell curve.

    Samples an arbitrary colored noise spectrum.

The implementation was inspired by the optimal control package of QuTiP [1]_
(Quantum Toolbox in Python)

.. [1] J. R. Johansson, P. D. Nation, and F. Nori: "QuTiP 2: A Python framework
    for the dynamics of open quantum systems.", Comp. Phys. Comm. 184, 1234
    (2013) [DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2012.11.019].


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from typing import Callable, Tuple, Optional, List, Union
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from scipy import signal, special

from qopt.util import deprecated

[docs]def bell_curve_1dim(x: Union[np.ndarray, float], stdx: float) -> Union[np.ndarray, float]: """ One dimensional Bell curve. Parameters ---------- x: np.ndarray or float Point at which the bell curve is evaluated. stdx: float Standard deviation of the bell curve. Returns ------- out: np.ndarray or scalar Function values. """ normalization_factor = 1 / 2 / np.pi / stdx exponential = np.exp(-.5 * ((x / stdx) ** 2)) return normalization_factor * exponential
[docs]def inverse_cumulative_gaussian_distribution_function( z: Union[float, np.array], std: float, mean: float): """ Calculates the inverse cumulative function for the gaussian distribution. Parameters ---------- z: Union[float, np.array] Function value. std: float Standard deviation of the bell curve. mean: float Mean value of the gaussian distribution. Defaults to 0. Returns ------- selected_x: list of float Noise samples. """ return std * np.sqrt(2) * special.erfinv(2 * z - 1) + mean
[docs]def sample_1dim_gaussian_distribution(std: float, n_samples: int, mean: float = 0)\ -> np.array: """ Returns 'n_samples' samples from the one dimensional bell curve. The samples are chosen such, that the integral over the bell curve between two adjacent samples is always the same. The samples reproduce the correct standard deviation only in the limit n_samples -> inf due to the discreteness of the approximation. The error is to good approximation 1/n_samples. Parameters ---------- std: float Standard deviation of the bell curve. n_samples: int Number of samples returned. mean: float Mean value of the gaussian distribution. Defaults to 0. Returns ------- selected_x: numpy array of shape:(n_samples, ) Noise samples. """ z = np.linspace(start=0, stop=1, num=n_samples, endpoint=False) z += 1 / (2 * n_samples) # we distribute the total probability of 1 into n_samples equal parts. # The z-values are in the center of each part. x = inverse_cumulative_gaussian_distribution_function( z=z, std=std, mean=mean ) # We use the inverse cumulative gaussian distribution to find the values x. # The integral over the Gaussian distribution between x[i] and x[i+1] # now always equals 1/n_samples. return x
[docs]def bell_curve_2dim(x: Union[np.ndarray, float], stdx: float, y: Union[np.ndarray, float], stdy: float) \ -> Union[np.ndarray, float]: """ Two dimensional Bell curve. Parameters ---------- x: np.ndarray or float First dimension value at which the bell curve is evaluated. stdx: float Standard deviation of the bell curve in the x dimension. y: np.ndarray or float Second dimension value at which the bell curve is evaluated. stdy: float Standard deviation of the bell curve in the y dimension. Returns ------- out: np.ndarray or scalar Function values. """ normalization_factor = 1 / 2 / np.pi / stdx / stdy exponential = np.exp(-.5 * ((x / stdx) ** 2 + (y / stdy) ** 2)) return normalization_factor * exponential
[docs]@deprecated def sample_2dim_gaussian_distribution( std1: float, std2: float, n_samples: int) \ -> (List, List): """ Returns 'n_samples' samples from the two dimensional bell curve. The samples are chosen such, that the integral over the bell curve between two adjacent samples is always the same. Parameters ---------- std1: float Standard deviation of the bell curve in the first dimension. std2: float Standard deviation of the bell curve in the second dimension. n_samples: int Number of samples returned. Returns ------- selected_x: np.ndarray, X values of the noise samples. selected_y: np.ndarray, Y values of the noise samples. """ x, y = np.mgrid[-5 * std1:5.0001 * std1:0.001 * std1, -5 * std2:5.0001 * std2:0.001 * std2] normal_distribution = bell_curve_2dim(x, std1, y, std2) normal_distribution /= np.sum(normal_distribution) selected_x = [] selected_y = [] cumulative = 0 iterator = 1 for i in range(10000): for j in range(10000): cumulative += normal_distribution[i, j] if cumulative > iterator / (n_samples + 1): iterator += 1 selected_x.append(x[i, j]) selected_y.append(y[i, j]) return selected_x, selected_y
[docs]def fast_colored_noise(spectral_density: Callable, dt: float, n_samples: int, output_shape: Tuple, r_power_of_two=False ) -> np.ndarray: """ Generates noise traces of arbitrary colored noise. Use this code for validation: >>> from scipy import signal >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> traces = fast_colored_noise(spectral_density, dt, n_samples, >>> output_shape) >>> f_max = 1 / dt >>> f, S = signal.welch(traces, f_max, axis=-1) >>> plt.loglog(f, spectral_density(f)) >>> plt.loglog(f, S.mean(axis=0)) Parameters ---------- spectral_density: Callable The one sided spectral density as function of frequency. dt: float Time distance between two samples. n_samples: int Number of samples. output_shape: tuple of int Shape of the noise traces to be returned. r_power_of_two: bool If true, then n_samples is rounded downwards to the next power of 2 for an efficient fast fourier transform. Returns ------- delta_colored: np.ndarray, shape(output_shape, actual_n_samples) Where actual_n_samples is n_samples or the largest power of 2 smaller than n_samples if r_power_of_two is true. """ f_max = 1 / dt f_nyquist = f_max / 2 s0 = 1 / f_nyquist if r_power_of_two: actual_n_samples = int(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(n_samples))) else: actual_n_samples = int(n_samples) delta_white = np.random.randn(*output_shape, actual_n_samples) delta_white_ft = np.fft.rfft(delta_white, axis=-1) # Only positive frequencies since FFT is real and therefore symmetric f = np.linspace(0, f_nyquist, actual_n_samples // 2 + 1) f[1:] = spectral_density(f[1:]) f[0] = 0 delta_colored = np.fft.irfft(delta_white_ft * np.sqrt(f / s0), n=actual_n_samples, axis=-1) # the ifft takes r//2 + 1 inputs to generate r outputs return delta_colored
[docs]class NoiseTraceGenerator(ABC): """ Abstract base class defining the interface of the noise trace generators. Parameters ---------- n_samples_per_trace: int Number of noise samples per trace. n_traces: int, optional Number of noise traces. Default is 1. n_noise_operators: int, optional Number of noise operators. Default is 1. noise_samples: None or np.ndarray, optional, shape (n_noise_operators, n_traces, n_samples_per_trace) Precalculated noise samples. Defaults to None. always_redraw_samples: bool If true. The samples are always redrawn upon request. The stored samples are not returned. Attributes ---------- always_redraw_samples: bool If true. The samples are always redrawn upon request. The stored samples are not returned. """ def __init__(self, n_samples_per_trace: int, always_redraw_samples: bool, n_traces: int = 1, n_noise_operators: int = 1, noise_samples: Optional[np.ndarray] = None): self._noise_samples = noise_samples self._n_samples_per_trace = n_samples_per_trace self._n_traces = n_traces self._n_noise_operators = n_noise_operators self.always_redraw_samples = always_redraw_samples @property def noise_samples(self) -> np.ndarray: if self._noise_samples is None or self.always_redraw_samples: self._sample_noise() return self._noise_samples @property def n_samples_per_trace(self) -> int: """Number of samples per trace. """ if self._n_samples_per_trace: return self._n_samples_per_trace else: return self.noise_samples.shape[2] @property def n_traces(self) -> int: """Number of traces. """ if self._n_traces: return self._n_traces else: return self.noise_samples.shape[1] @property def n_noise_operators(self) -> int: """Number of noise operators. """ if self._n_noise_operators: return self._n_noise_operators else: return self.noise_samples.shape[0] @abstractmethod def _sample_noise(self) -> None: """Draws the noise samples. """ pass
[docs]class NTGQuasiStatic(NoiseTraceGenerator): """ This class draws noise traces of quasistatic noise. The Noise distribution is assumed normal. It would not make sense to use the attribute always_redraw_samples if the samples are deterministic, and therefore always the same. If multiple noise operators are given, then the noise is sampled for each one separately. Parameters ---------- standard_deviation: List[float], len (n_noise_operators) Standard deviations of the noise assumed on the noise operators. n_samples_per_trace: int Number of noise samples per trace. n_traces: int, optional Number of noise traces. Default is 1. noise_samples: None or np.ndarray, optional shape (n_noise_operators, n_traces, n_samples_per_trace) Precalculated noise samples. Defaults to None. sampling_mode: {'uncorrelated_deterministic', 'monte_carlo'}, optional The method by which the quasi static noise samples are drawn. The following are implemented: 'uncorrelated_deterministic': No correlations are assumed. Each noise operator is sampled n_traces times deterministically. 'monte_carlo': The noise is assumed to be correlated. Samples are drawn by pseudo-randomly. Defaults to 'uncorrelated_deterministic'. Attributes ---------- standard_deviation: List[float], len (n_noise_operators) Standard deviations of the noise assumed on the noise operators. See Also -------- noise.NoiseTraceGenerator: Abstract Base Class """ def __init__(self, standard_deviation: List[float], n_samples_per_trace: int, n_traces: int = 1, noise_samples: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, always_redraw_samples: bool = True, correct_std_for_discrete_sampling: bool = True, sampling_mode: str = 'uncorrelated_deterministic'): n_noise_operators = len(standard_deviation) super().__init__(noise_samples=noise_samples, n_samples_per_trace=n_samples_per_trace, n_traces=n_traces, n_noise_operators=n_noise_operators, always_redraw_samples=always_redraw_samples) self.standard_deviation = standard_deviation self.sampling_mode = sampling_mode if correct_std_for_discrete_sampling: if self.n_traces == 1: raise RuntimeWarning('Standard deviation cannot be estimated' 'for a single trace!') elif self.sampling_mode == 'uncorrelated_deterministic': for i in range(len(self.standard_deviation)): samples = sample_1dim_gaussian_distribution( std=self.standard_deviation[i], n_samples=self.n_traces ) actual_std = np.std(samples) if actual_std < 1e-20: raise RuntimeError('The standard deviation was ' 'estimated close to 0!') self.standard_deviation[i] *= \ self.standard_deviation[i] / actual_std @property def n_traces(self) -> int: """Number of traces. The number of requested traces must be multiplied with the number of standard deviations because if standard deviation is sampled separately. """ if self._n_traces: if self.sampling_mode == 'uncorrelated_deterministic': return self._n_traces * len(self.standard_deviation) elif self.sampling_mode == 'monte_carlo': return self._n_traces else: raise ValueError('Unsupported sampling mode!') else: return self.noise_samples.shape[1] def _sample_noise(self) -> None: """ Draws quasi static noise samples from a normal distribution. Each noise contribution (corresponding to one noise operator) is sampled separately. For each standard deviation n_traces traces are calculated. """ if self.sampling_mode == 'uncorrelated_deterministic': self._noise_samples = np.zeros( (len(self.standard_deviation), self._n_traces * len(self.standard_deviation), self.n_samples_per_trace)) for i, std in enumerate(self.standard_deviation): samples = sample_1dim_gaussian_distribution( std, self._n_traces) for j in range(self._n_traces): self._noise_samples[i, i * self._n_traces + j, :] \ = samples[j] * np.ones(self.n_samples_per_trace) elif self.sampling_mode == 'monte_carlo': self._noise_samples = np.einsum( 'i,ijk->ijk', np.asarray(self.standard_deviation), np.random.randn(len(self.standard_deviation), self.n_traces, 1) ) self._noise_samples = np.repeat( self._noise_samples, self.n_samples_per_trace, axis=2) else: raise ValueError('Unsupported sampling mode!')
[docs]class NTGColoredNoise(NoiseTraceGenerator): """ This class draws noise samples from noises of arbitrary colored spectra. Parameters ---------- n_samples_per_trace: int Number of noise samples per trace. n_traces: int, optional Number of noise traces. Default is 1. n_noise_operators: int, optional Number of noise operators. Default is 1. always_redraw_samples: bool If true. The samples are always redrawn upon request. The stored samples are not returned. noise_spectral_density: function The one-sided noise spectral density as function of frequency. dt: float Time distance between two adjacent samples. low_frequency_extension_ratio: int, optional When creating the time samples, the total time is multiplied with this factor. This allows taking frequencies into account which are lower than 1 / total time. Defaults to 1. Attributes ---------- noise_spectral_density: function The noise spectral density as function of frequency. dt: float Time distance between two adjacent samples. Methods ------- _sample_noise: None Samples noise from an arbitrary colored spectrum. See Also -------- noise.NoiseTraceGenerator: Abstract Base Class """ def __init__(self, n_samples_per_trace: int, noise_spectral_density: Callable, dt: float, n_traces: int = 1, n_noise_operators: int = 1, always_redraw_samples: bool = True, low_frequency_extension_ratio: int = 1): super().__init__(n_traces=n_traces, n_samples_per_trace=n_samples_per_trace, noise_samples=None, n_noise_operators=n_noise_operators, always_redraw_samples=always_redraw_samples) self.noise_spectral_density = noise_spectral_density self.dt = dt if low_frequency_extension_ratio < 1: raise ValueError("The low frequency extension ratio must be " "greater or equal to 1.") self.low_frequency_extension_ratio = low_frequency_extension_ratio if hasattr(dt, "__len__"): raise ValueError('dt is supposed to be a scalar value!') def _sample_noise(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Samples noise from an arbitrary colored spectrum. """ if self._n_noise_operators is None: raise ValueError('Please specify the number of noise operators!') if self._n_traces is None: raise ValueError('Please specify the number of noise traces!') if self._n_samples_per_trace is None: raise ValueError('Please specify the number of noise samples per' 'trace!') noise_samples = fast_colored_noise( spectral_density=self.noise_spectral_density, n_samples= self.n_samples_per_trace * self.low_frequency_extension_ratio, output_shape=(self.n_noise_operators, self.n_traces), r_power_of_two=False, dt=self.dt) self._noise_samples = noise_samples[:, :, :self.n_samples_per_trace]
[docs] def plot_periodogram(self, n_average: int, scaling: str = 'density', log_plot: Optional[str] = None, draw_plot=True): """Creates noise samples and plots the corresponding periodogram. Parameters ---------- n_average: int Number of Periodograms which are averaged. scaling: {'density', 'spectrum'}, optional If 'density' then the power spectral density in units of V**2/Hz is plotted. If 'spectral' then the power spectrum in units of V**2 is plotted. Defaults to 'density'. log_plot: {None, 'semilogy', 'semilogx', 'loglog'}, optional If None, then the plot is not plotted logarithmically. If 'semilogy' only the y-axis is plotted logarithmically, if 'semilogx' only the x-axis is plotted logarithmically, if 'loglog' both axis are plotted logarithmically. Defaults to None. draw_plot: bool, optional If true, then the periodogram is plotted. Defaults to True. Returns ------- deviation_norm: float The vector norm of the deviation between the actual power spectral density and the power spectral densitry found in the periodogram. """ noise_samples = fast_colored_noise( spectral_density=self.noise_spectral_density, n_samples=self.n_samples_per_trace, output_shape=(n_average,), r_power_of_two=False, dt=self.dt ) sample_frequencies, spectral_density_or_spectrum = signal.periodogram( x=noise_samples, fs=1 / self.dt, return_onesided=True, scaling=scaling, axis=-1 ) if scaling == 'density': y_label = 'Power Spectral Density (V**2/Hz)' elif scaling == 'spectrum': y_label = 'Power Spectrum (V**2)' else: raise ValueError('Unexpected scaling argument.') if draw_plot: plt.figure() if log_plot is None: plot_function = plt.plot elif log_plot == 'semilogy': plot_function = plt.semilogy elif log_plot == 'semilogx': plot_function = plt.semilogx elif log_plot == 'loglog': plot_function = plt.loglog else: raise ValueError('Unexpected plotting mode') plot_function(sample_frequencies, np.mean(spectral_density_or_spectrum, axis=0), label='Periodogram') plot_function(sample_frequencies, self.noise_spectral_density(sample_frequencies), label='Spectral Noise Density') plt.ylabel(y_label) plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') plt.legend(['Periodogram', 'Spectral Noise Density']) deviation_norm = np.linalg.norm( np.mean(spectral_density_or_spectrum, axis=0)[1:-1] - self.noise_spectral_density(sample_frequencies)[1:-1]) return deviation_norm