Source code for qopt.cost_functions

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Cost functions which can be minimised as figure of merit in the control

Each `CostFunction` calculates a commonly used quantity for errors occurring
during a quantum gate or algorithm. These include state and gate fidelities or
leakages. These are also implemented in variations for the description of noise
like the averaging in a Monte Carlo method or the compatibility with a
linearized master equation in lindblad form. One cost function interfaces to
the estimation of infidelities by generalized filter functions.

To support gradient based optimization algorithms such as quasi-Newton type
algorithms the classes also calculate the gradients of the cost functions.
(Jacobians in case of vector valued cost functions.)

    Abstract base class of the fidelity computer.

    Calculates the cost as matrix norm of the difference between the actual
    evolution and the target.

    Calculates the cost as operation infidelity of a propagator.

    Like Operationfidelity but averaged over noise traces.

    Estimates infidelities with filter functions.

    Estimates the leakage of quantum gates.

    The quantum state fidelity.

    Calculates the representation of a 2x2 unitary matrix as rotation axis and

    Calculates the entanglement fidelity between a unitary target evolution and
    a simulated unitary evolution.

    Calculates the derivatives of the entanglement fidelity with respect to
    the control amplitudes.

    Calculates the entanglement fidelity between two propagators in the super
    operator formalism.

    Calculates the derivatives of the entanglement fidelity in the super
    operator formalism with respect to the control amplitudes.

The implementation was inspired by the optimal control package of QuTiP [1]_
(Quantum Toolbox in Python)

.. [1] J. R. Johansson, P. D. Nation, and F. Nori: "QuTiP 2: A Python framework
    for the dynamics of open quantum systems.", Comp. Phys. Comm. 184, 1234
    (2013) [DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2012.11.019].


import numpy as np

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Sequence, Union, List, Optional, Callable

import filter_functions.numeric

from qopt import matrix, solver_algorithms
from qopt.util import needs_refactoring, deprecated
from qopt.matrix import ket_vectorize_density_matrix, \
    convert_ket_vectorized_density_matrix_to_square, \

[docs]class CostFunction(ABC): r""" Abstract base class of the fidelity computer. Attributes ---------- solver : `Solver` Object that compute the forward/backward evolution and propagator. label: list of str The label serves as internal name of the cost function values. The DataContainer class uses the label to distinct cost functions when storing the data. """ def __init__(self, solver: solver_algorithms.Solver, label: Optional[List[str]] = None): self.solver = solver if label is None: self.label = ["Unspecified Cost Function"] else: self.label = label
[docs] @abstractmethod def costs(self) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """Evaluates the cost function. Returns ------- costs : np.array or float Result of the cost function's evaluation. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def grad(self) -> np.ndarray: """Calculates the gradient or Jacobian of the cost function. Returns ------- gradient : np.array shape: (num_t, num_ctrl, num_f) where num_t is the number of time slices, num_ctrl the number of control parameters and num_f the number of values returned by the cost function. Derivatives of the cost function by the control amplitudes. """ pass
[docs]def angle_axis_representation(u: np.ndarray) \ -> (float, np.ndarray): """ Calculates the representation of a 2x2 unitary matrix by a rotational axis and a rotation angle. Parameters ---------- u: np.ndarray A unitary 2x2 matrix. Returns ------- beta, n: float, np.ndarray beta is the angle of the rotation and n the rotational axis. """ if type(u) == matrix.DenseOperator: u = np.copy( # check if u is unitary ident = u @ np.conjugate(np.transpose(u)) is_unitary = np.isclose(ident[0, 0], 1) \ and np.isclose(ident[1, 0], 0) \ and np.isclose(ident[0, 1], 0) \ and np.isclose(ident[0, 0], 1) if not is_unitary: raise ValueError("Your input matrix must be unitary to calculate a " "angle axis representation!") # there is an unphysical global phase alpha cos_alpha = .5 * (u[0, 0] + u[1, 1]) # beta in [0, pi) so sin in [0, 1] sin = np.sqrt(1 - np.abs(cos_alpha) ** 2) if np.isclose(0, sin, atol=1e-6): return 0, np.array([1, 0, 0]) n_1_alpha = (u[0, 1] + u[1, 0]) / 1j / sin / 2 n_2_alpha = (u[0, 1] - u[1, 0]) / sin / 2 n_3_alpha = (u[0, 0] - u[1, 1]) / 1j / sin / 2 if not np.isclose(n_1_alpha, 0): alpha = n_1_alpha / np.abs(n_1_alpha) elif not np.isclose(n_2_alpha, 0): alpha = n_2_alpha / np.abs(n_2_alpha) elif not np.isclose(n_3_alpha, 0): alpha = n_3_alpha / np.abs(n_3_alpha) else: return 0, np.array([1, 0, 0]) beta = np.arccos(np.real(cos_alpha / alpha)) * 2 n_1, n_2, n_3 = n_1_alpha / alpha, n_2_alpha / alpha, n_3_alpha / alpha assert np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(np.array([n_1, n_2, n_3])), 1, atol=1e-5) # to make this representation unique, we request that beta in [0, pi] if beta > np.pi: beta = 2 * np.pi - beta n_1, n_2, n_3 = -1 * n_1, -1 * n_2, -1 * n_3 return beta, np.array([np.real(n_1), np.real(n_2), np.real(n_3)])
[docs]class OperatorMatrixNorm(CostFunction): """ Computes the fidelity as difference between the propagator and a target. A global phase difference is ignored. The result can be returned as absolute value or vector. If the result shall be returned as absolute value it is calculated in a matrix norm. Parameters ---------- solver: TimeSlotComputer Computes the evolution of the system. target: ControlMatrix The ideal evolution. mode: string The type of calculation. 'scalar': The difference is returned as scalar. 'vector': The difference of the individual elements is returned as vector. 'rotation_axis': For unitary evolutions only. The evolution is described by its rotation axis and a rotation angle. The first element of the rotation axis is multiplied by the angle so save one return argument. Attributes ---------- mode: string Type of calculation TODO: * implementation for target[0,0] != 0 """ @needs_refactoring def __init__(self, solver: solver_algorithms.Solver, target: matrix.OperatorMatrix, mode: str = 'scalar', label: Optional[List[str]] = None): super().__init__() self.solver = solver = target self.mode = mode if label is not None: self.label = label elif mode == 'scalar': self.label = ['Matrix Norm Distance'] elif mode == 'vector': dim = target.shape[0] self.label = ['redu' + str(i) + str(j) for i in range(1, dim + 1) for j in range(1, dim + 1)] + [ 'imdu' + str(i) + str(j) for i in range(1, dim + 1) for j in range(1, dim + 1)] elif mode == 'rotation_axis': self.label = ['n1 * phi', 'n2', 'n3'] else: raise ValueError('Unknown fidelity computer mode: ' + str(mode) + ' \n possible modes are: "scalar", "vector" ' 'and in 2 "dimensions rotations_axis".')
[docs] def costs(self) -> Union[np.ndarray, float]: """ The costs or infidelity of the quantum channel. These costs are given as difference between a simulated unitary evolution and the unitary target evolution depending on the mode. (See class documentation. ) Returns ------- costs: Union[np.ndarray, float] The costs of infidelity. """ final = self.solver.forward_propagators[-1] # to eliminate a global phase we require final[0, 0] to be real. if self.mode == 'rotation_axis': ax1 = angle_axis_representation( ax2 = angle_axis_representation( diff = ax1[0] * ax1[1] - ax2[0] * ax2[1] return diff else: if not np.isclose([0, 0], 0): final_phase_eliminated = final * (1 / ( final[0, 0] / np.abs(final[0, 0]))) else: raise NotImplementedError diff = final_phase_eliminated - if self.mode == 'scalar': return np.sum(np.abs( elif self.mode == 'vector': return np.concatenate( (np.real(, np.imag( else: raise ValueError('Unknown mode in the fidelity computer.')
[docs] def grad(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the Jacobian of the matrix difference. Only implemented for the mode 'vector'. Returns ------- jacobian: np.ndarray Jacobian of the matrix difference. Raises ------ NotImplementedError: If self.mode is not 'vector'. """ if self.mode != 'vector': raise NotImplementedError('The gradient calculation is currently' 'only implemented for the mode "vector".') # grape propagators = self.solver.propagators forward_prop_cumulative = self.solver.forward_propagators # reversed_prop_cumulative = self.t_slot_comp.reversed_prop_cumulative unity = matrix.DenseOperator( np.eye(propagators[0].data.shape[0])) propagators_future = [unity] for prop in propagators[:0:-1]: propagators_future.append(propagators_future[-1] * prop) propagators_future = propagators_future[::-1] if isinstance(self.solver.transferred_time, list): tau = self.solver.transferred_time[0] elif isinstance(self.solver.transferred_time, float): tau = self.solver.transferred_time else: raise NotImplementedError num_t = len(self.solver.transferred_time) num_ctrl = len(self.solver.h_ctrl) jacobian_complex_full = np.zeros( shape=[, num_t, num_ctrl]).astype(complex) final = self.solver.forward_propagators[-1] exp_iphi = final[0, 0] / np.abs(final[0, 0]) # * 2 for the seperation of imaginary and real part for j in range(num_ctrl): for i, (prop, fwd_prop, future_prop) in enumerate( zip(propagators, forward_prop_cumulative, propagators_future)): # here i applied the grape approximations complex_jac = ( -1j * tau * future_prop * self.solver.h_ctrl[j] * fwd_prop).flatten() jacobian_complex_full[:, i, j] = dphi_by_du = ( np.imag(jacobian_complex_full[0, :, :]) * np.real( final[0, 0]) - np.real(jacobian_complex_full[0, :, :]) * np.imag( final[0, 0]) ) / ((np.abs(final[0, 0])) ** 2) final.flatten() dphi_by_du_times_u = np.concatenate \ ([np.reshape(dphi_by_du, (1, dphi_by_du.shape[0], dphi_by_du.shape[1])) * fin for fin in]) jacobian_complex_full = (jacobian_complex_full - 1j * dphi_by_du_times_u) * (1 / exp_iphi) # The result must be corrected by a sign depending on the angle phi jacobian = np.concatenate([np.real(jacobian_complex_full), np.imag(jacobian_complex_full)], axis=0) return jacobian
[docs]def state_fidelity( target: Union[np.ndarray, matrix.OperatorMatrix], propagated_state: Union[np.ndarray, matrix.OperatorMatrix], computational_states: Optional[List[int]] = None, rescale_propagated_state: bool = False ) -> np.float64: r""" Quantum state fidelity. The quantum state fidelity between two quantum states is calculated as square norm of the wave function overlap as .. math:: F = \vert \langle \psi_1 \vert \psi_2 \rangle \vert^2 Parameters ---------- target: numpy array or operator matrix of shape (1, d) The target state is assumed to be given as bra-vector. propagated_state: numpy array or operator matrix of shape (d, 1) The target state is assumed to be given as ket-vector. computational_states: Optional[List[int]] If set, the entanglement fidelity is only calculated for the specified subspace. rescale_propagated_state: bool If True, then the propagated state vector is rescaled to a norm of 1. Returns ------- quantum_state_fidelity: float The quantum state fidelity between the propagated and the target state. TODO: * functions should not change type of input arrays """ if type(target) == np.ndarray: target = matrix.DenseOperator(target) if type(propagated_state) == np.ndarray: propagated_state = matrix.DenseOperator(propagated_state) if computational_states is not None: scalar_prod = target * propagated_state.truncate_to_subspace( computational_states, map_to_closest_unitary=rescale_propagated_state ) else: scalar_prod = target * propagated_state if scalar_prod.shape != (1, 1): raise ValueError('The scalar product is not a scalar. This means that' 'either the target is not a bra vector or the the ' 'propagated state not a ket, or both!') scalar_prod = scalar_prod[0, 0] abs_sqr = scalar_prod.real ** 2 + scalar_prod.imag ** 2 return abs_sqr
[docs]def derivative_state_fidelity( target: matrix.OperatorMatrix, forward_propagators: List[matrix.OperatorMatrix], propagator_derivatives: List[List[matrix.OperatorMatrix]], reversed_propagators: List[matrix.OperatorMatrix], computational_states: Optional[List[int]] = None, rescale_propagated_state: bool = False ) -> np.ndarray: """ Derivative of the state fidelity. Leakage states can be defined and the propagator is projected onto the computational states. Parameters ---------- target: OperatorMatrix The target state as bra vector. forward_propagators: list of OperatorMatrix Forward propagated initial state. propagator_derivatives: list of OperatorMatrix Frechet derivatives of the matrix exponential used to calculate the propagators. reversed_propagators: list of OperatorMatrix Backward passed propagators. computational_states: list of int States used for the qubit implementation. If this is not None, then all other inides are eliminated, by projection into the computational space. rescale_propagated_state: bool If set to Ture, then the propagated state is rescaled after leakage states are eliminated. Returns ------- Derivative: numpy array, shape: (num_time_steps, num_ctrls) The derivatives of the state fidelity by the """ if computational_states is not None: scalar_prod = target * forward_propagators[-1].truncate_to_subspace( subspace_indices=computational_states, map_to_closest_unitary=rescale_propagated_state ) else: scalar_prod = target * forward_propagators[-1] scalar_prod = np.conj(scalar_prod) num_ctrls = len(propagator_derivatives) num_time_steps = len(propagator_derivatives[0]) derivative_fidelity = np.zeros(shape=(num_time_steps, num_ctrls), dtype=float) for ctrl in range(num_ctrls): for t in range(num_time_steps): # here we need to take the real part. if computational_states: derivative_fidelity[t, ctrl] = 2 * np.real( (scalar_prod * ( target * ( reversed_propagators[::-1][t + 1] * propagator_derivatives[ctrl][t] * forward_propagators[t] ).truncate_to_subspace( subspace_indices=computational_states, map_to_closest_unitary=rescale_propagated_state ) ))[0, 0]) else: derivative_fidelity[t, ctrl] = 2 * np.real( (scalar_prod * (target * reversed_propagators[::-1][t + 1] * propagator_derivatives[ctrl][t] * forward_propagators[t]))[0, 0]) return derivative_fidelity
[docs]def state_fidelity_subspace( target: Union[np.ndarray, matrix.OperatorMatrix], propagated_state: Union[np.ndarray, matrix.OperatorMatrix], dims: List[int], remove: List[int] ) -> np.float64: r""" Quantum state fidelity on a subspace. We assume that the target state is defined only on a subspace of the total simulated hilbert space. Thus we calculate the partial trace over our simulated state, rendering it into the density matrix of a potentially mixed state. The quantum state fidelity between a pure $\psi$ and a mixed quantum state $\rho$ is calculated as .. math:: F = \langle \psi \vert \rho \vert \psi \rangle Parameters ---------- target: numpy array or operator matrix of shape (1, d) The target state is assumed to be given as bra-vector. propagated_state: numpy array or operator matrix The target state is assumed to be given as density matrix of shape(d, d) or shape (d^2, 1), or as ket-vector of shape (d, 1). dims: list of int, The dimensions of the subspaces. (Compare to the ptrace function of the MatrixOperator class.) remove: list of int, The indices of the dims list corresponding to the subspaces that are to be eliminated. (Compare to the ptrace function of the MatrixOperator class.) Returns ------- quantum_state_fidelity: float The quantum state fidelity between the propagated and the target state. TODO: * functions should not change type of input arrays """ if type(target) == np.ndarray: local_target = matrix.DenseOperator(target) else: local_target = target if type(propagated_state) == np.ndarray: local_propagated_state = matrix.DenseOperator(propagated_state) else: local_propagated_state = propagated_state leakage_total_dimension = 1 for ind in remove: leakage_total_dimension *= dims[ind] if >= \ ( * leakage_total_dimension) ** 2: # propagated state given as density matrix if local_propagated_state.shape[1] == 1: # the density matrix is vectorized local_propagated_state = \ convert_ket_vectorized_density_matrix_to_square( local_propagated_state) rho = local_propagated_state.ptrace(dims=dims, remove=remove) scalar_prod = local_target * rho * local_target.dag() if scalar_prod.shape != (1, 1): raise ValueError('The scalar product is not a scalar. This means that' 'either the target is not a bra vector or the the ' 'propagated state not a ket, or both!') scalar_prod = scalar_prod[0, 0] scalar_prod_real = scalar_prod.real if np.abs(scalar_prod - scalar_prod_real) > 1e-5: scalar_prod_real = np.abs(scalar_prod[0, 0]) print("Warning: the calculated fidelity should be real but has an " "imaginary component of : " + str(scalar_prod.imag)) return scalar_prod_real
[docs]def derivative_state_fidelity_subspace( target: matrix.OperatorMatrix, forward_propagators: List[matrix.OperatorMatrix], propagator_derivatives: List[List[matrix.OperatorMatrix]], reversed_propagators: List[matrix.OperatorMatrix], dims: List[int], remove: List[int] ) -> np.ndarray: """ Derivative of the state fidelity on a subspace. The unused subspace is traced out. Parameters ---------- target: OperatorMatrix The target state as bra vector. forward_propagators: list of OperatorMatrix Forward propagated initial state. propagator_derivatives: list of OperatorMatrix Frechet derivatives of the matrix exponential used to calculate the propagators. reversed_propagators: list of OperatorMatrix Backward passed propagators. dims: list of int, The dimensions of the subspaces. (Compare to the ptrace function of the MatrixOperator class.) remove: list of int, The indices of the dims list corresponding to the subspaces that are to be eliminated. (Compare to the ptrace function of the MatrixOperator class.) Returns ------- Derivative: numpy array, shape: (num_time_steps, num_ctrls) The derivatives of the state fidelity by the """ num_ctrls = len(propagator_derivatives) num_time_steps = len(propagator_derivatives[0]) derivative_fidelity = np.zeros(shape=(num_time_steps, num_ctrls), dtype=float) final_state_dag = forward_propagators[-1].dag() for ctrl in range(num_ctrls): for t in range(num_time_steps): # here we need to take the real part. derivative_fidelity[t, ctrl] = 2 * np.real(( target * ( reversed_propagators[::-1][t + 1] * propagator_derivatives[ctrl][t] * forward_propagators[t] * final_state_dag ).ptrace(dims=dims, remove=remove) * target.dag())[0, 0] ) return derivative_fidelity
[docs]def entanglement_fidelity( target: Union[np.ndarray, matrix.OperatorMatrix], propagator: Union[np.ndarray, matrix.OperatorMatrix], computational_states: Optional[List[int]] = None, map_to_closest_unitary: bool = False ) -> np.float64: """ The entanglement fidelity between a simulated Propagator and target propagator. Parameters ---------- propagator: Union[np.ndarray, ControlMatrix] The simulated propagator. target: Union[np.ndarray, ControlMatrix] The target unitary evolution. computational_states: Optional[List[int]] If set, the entanglement fidelity is only calculated for the specified subspace. map_to_closest_unitary: bool If True, then the final propagator is mapped to the closest unitary before the infidelity is evaluated. Returns ------- fidelity: float The entanglement fidelity of target_unitary.dag * unitary. """ if type(propagator) == np.ndarray: propagator = matrix.DenseOperator(propagator) if type(target) == np.ndarray: target = matrix.DenseOperator(target) d = target.shape[0] if computational_states is None: trace = (target.dag() * propagator).tr() else: trace = (target.dag() * propagator.truncate_to_subspace( computational_states, map_to_closest_unitary=map_to_closest_unitary)).tr() return (np.abs(trace) ** 2) / d / d
[docs]def derivative_entanglement_fidelity_with_du( target: matrix.OperatorMatrix, forward_propagators: List[matrix.OperatorMatrix], propagator_derivatives: List[List[matrix.OperatorMatrix]], reversed_propagators: List[matrix.OperatorMatrix], computational_states: Optional[List[int]] = None, map_to_closest_unitary: bool = False ) -> np.ndarray: """ Derivative of the entanglement fidelity using the derivatives of the propagators. Parameters ---------- forward_propagators: List[ControlMatrix], len: num_t +1 The forward propagators calculated in the systems simulation. forward_propagators[i] is the ordered sum of the propagators i..0 in descending order. propagator_derivatives: List[List[ControlMatrix]], shape: [[] * num_t] * num_ctrl Frechet derivatives of the propagators by the control amplitudes. target: ControlMatrix The target propagator. reversed_propagators: List[ControlMatrix] The reversed propagators calculated in the systems simulation. reversed_propagators[i] is the ordered sum of the propagators n-i..n in ascending order where n is the total number of time steps. computational_states: Optional[List[int]] If set, the entanglement fidelity is only calculated for the specified subspace. map_to_closest_unitary: bool If True, then the final propagator is mapped to the closest unitary before the infidelity is evaluated. Returns ------- derivative_fidelity: np.ndarray, shape: (num_t, num_ctrl) The derivatives of the entanglement fidelity. """ target_unitary_dag = target.dag(do_copy=True) if computational_states: trace = np.conj( ((forward_propagators[-1].truncate_to_subspace( computational_states, map_to_closest_unitary=map_to_closest_unitary) * target_unitary_dag).tr()) ) else: trace = np.conj(((forward_propagators[-1] * target_unitary_dag).tr())) num_ctrls = len(propagator_derivatives) num_time_steps = len(propagator_derivatives[0]) d = target.shape[0] derivative_fidelity = np.zeros(shape=(num_time_steps, num_ctrls), dtype=float) for ctrl in range(num_ctrls): for t in range(num_time_steps): # here we need to take the real part. if computational_states: derivative_fidelity[t, ctrl] = 2 / d / d * np.real( trace * ((reversed_propagators[::-1][t + 1] * propagator_derivatives[ctrl][t] * forward_propagators[t]).truncate_to_subspace( subspace_indices=computational_states, map_to_closest_unitary=map_to_closest_unitary ) * target_unitary_dag).tr()) else: derivative_fidelity[t, ctrl] = 2 / d / d * np.real( trace * (reversed_propagators[::-1][t + 1] * propagator_derivatives[ctrl][t] * forward_propagators[t] * target_unitary_dag).tr()) return derivative_fidelity
[docs]def entanglement_fidelity_super_operator( target: Union[np.ndarray, matrix.OperatorMatrix], propagator: Union[np.ndarray, matrix.OperatorMatrix], computational_states: Optional[List[int]] = None, ) -> np.float64: """ The entanglement fidelity between a simulated Propagator and target propagator in the super operator formalism. The entanglement fidelity between a propagator in the super operator formalism of dimension d^2 x d^2 and a target unitary operator of dimension d x d. If the system incorporates leakage states, the propagator is projected onto the computational space [1]. Parameters ---------- propagator: Union[np.ndarray, ControlMatrix] The simulated evolution propagator in the super operator formalism. target: Union[np.ndarray, ControlMatrix] The target unitary evolution. (NOT as super operator.) computational_states: Optional[List[int]] If set, the entanglement fidelity is only calculated for the specified subspace. Returns ------- fidelity: float The entanglement fidelity of target_unitary.dag * unitary. Notes ----- [1] Quantification and characterization of leakage errors, Christopher J. Wood and Jay M. Gambetta, Phys. Rev. A 97, 032306 - Published 8 March 2018 """ if type(propagator) == np.ndarray: propagator = matrix.DenseOperator(propagator) if type(target) == np.ndarray: target = matrix.DenseOperator(target) dim_comp = target.shape[0] if computational_states is None: target_super_operator_inv = \ matrix.convert_unitary_to_super_operator( target.dag()) trace = (target_super_operator_inv * propagator).tr().real else: # Here we assume that the full Hilbertspace is the outer sum of a # computational and a leakage space. # Thus the dimension of the propagator is (d_comp + d_leak) ** 2 d_leakage = int(np.sqrt(propagator.shape[0])) - dim_comp # We fill zeros to the target on the leakage space. We will project # onto the computational space anyway. target_inv = target.dag() target_inv_full_space = matrix.DenseOperator( np.zeros((d_leakage + dim_comp, d_leakage + dim_comp))) for i, row in enumerate(computational_states): for k, column in enumerate(computational_states): target_inv_full_space[row, column] = target_inv[i, k] # this seems to be wrong # target_inv_full_space = matrix.DenseOperator(np.eye(d_leakage)).kron( # target.dag() # ) # Then convert the target unitary into Liouville space. target_super_operator_inv = \ matrix.convert_unitary_to_super_operator( target_inv_full_space) # We start the projector with a zero matrix of dimension # (d_comp + d_leak). projector_comp_state = 0 * target_inv_full_space.identity_like() for state in computational_states: projector_comp_state[state, state] = 1 # Then convert the projector into liouville space. projector_comp_state = matrix.convert_unitary_to_super_operator( projector_comp_state ) trace = ( projector_comp_state * target_super_operator_inv * propagator ).tr().real return trace / dim_comp / dim_comp
[docs]def deriv_entanglement_fid_sup_op_with_du( target: matrix.OperatorMatrix, forward_propagators: List[matrix.OperatorMatrix], unitary_derivatives: List[List[matrix.OperatorMatrix]], reversed_propagators: List[matrix.OperatorMatrix], computational_states: Optional[List[int]] = None ): """ Derivative of the entanglement fidelity of a super operator. Calculates the derivatives of the entanglement fidelity between a target unitary of dimension d x d and a propagator of dimension d^2 x d^2 with respect to the control amplitudes. Parameters ---------- forward_propagators: List[ControlMatrix], len: num_t +1 The forward propagators calculated in the systems simulation. forward_propagators[i] is the ordered sum of the propagators i..0 in descending order. unitary_derivatives: List[List[ControlMatrix]], shape: [[] * num_t] * num_ctrl Frechet derivatives of the propagators by the control amplitudes. target: ControlMatrix The target unitary evolution. reversed_propagators: List[ControlMatrix] The reversed propagators calculated in the systems simulation. reversed_propagators[i] is the ordered sum of the propagators n-i..n in ascending order where n is the total number of time steps. computational_states: Optional[List[int]] If set, the entanglement fidelity is only calculated for the specified subspace.s only calculated for the specified subspace. Returns ------- derivative_fidelity: np.ndarray, shape: (num_t, num_ctrl) The derivatives of the entanglement fidelity. """ num_ctrls = len(unitary_derivatives) num_time_steps = len(unitary_derivatives[0]) derivative_fidelity = np.zeros(shape=(num_time_steps, num_ctrls), dtype=float) for ctrl in range(num_ctrls): for t in range(num_time_steps): # here we need to take the real part. derivative_fidelity[t, ctrl] = \ entanglement_fidelity_super_operator( target=target, propagator=reversed_propagators[::-1][t + 1] * unitary_derivatives[ctrl][t] * forward_propagators[t], computational_states=computational_states) return derivative_fidelity
[docs]class StateInfidelity(CostFunction): """Quantum state infidelity. TODO: * support super operator formalism * handle leakage states? """ def __init__(self, solver: solver_algorithms.Solver, target: matrix.OperatorMatrix, label: Optional[List[str]] = None, computational_states: Optional[List[int]] = None, rescale_propagated_state: bool = False ): if label is None: label = ['State Infidelity', ] super().__init__(solver=solver, label=label) # assure target is a bra vector if target.shape[0] > target.shape[1]: = target.dag() else: = target self.computational_states = computational_states self.rescale_propagated_state = rescale_propagated_state
[docs] def costs(self) -> np.float64: """See base class. """ final = self.solver.forward_propagators[-1] infid = 1. - state_fidelity(, propagated_state=final, computational_states=self.computational_states, rescale_propagated_state=self.rescale_propagated_state ) return infid
[docs] def grad(self) -> np.ndarray: """See base class. """ derivative_fid = derivative_state_fidelity( forward_propagators=self.solver.forward_propagators,, reversed_propagators=self.solver.reversed_propagators, propagator_derivatives=self.solver.frechet_deriv_propagators, computational_states=self.computational_states, rescale_propagated_state=self.rescale_propagated_state ) return -1. * np.real(derivative_fid)
[docs]class StateInfidelitySubspace(CostFunction): """ Quantum state infidelity on a subspace. Assume that the simulated system operates on a product space and the target states is described only on a subspace. This class then calculates the partial derivative over the neglected subspace. Parameters ---------- dims: list of int, The dimensions of the subspaces. (Compare to the ptrace function of the MatrixOperator class.) remove: list of int, The indices of the dims list corresponding to the subspaces that are to be eliminated. (Compare to the ptrace function of the MatrixOperator class.) TODO: * support super operator formalism * handle leakage states? * Docstring """ def __init__(self, solver: solver_algorithms.Solver, target: matrix.OperatorMatrix, dims: List[int], remove: List[int], label: Optional[List[str]] = None ): if label is None: label = ['State Infidelity', ] super().__init__(solver=solver, label=label) # assure target is a bra vector if target.shape[0] > target.shape[1]: = target.dag() else: = target self.dims = dims self.remove = remove
[docs] def costs(self) -> np.float64: """See base class. """ final = self.solver.forward_propagators[-1] infid = 1. - state_fidelity_subspace(, propagated_state=final, dims=self.dims, remove=self.remove ) return infid
[docs] def grad(self) -> np.ndarray: """See base class. """ derivative_fid = derivative_state_fidelity_subspace( forward_propagators=self.solver.forward_propagators,, reversed_propagators=self.solver.reversed_propagators, propagator_derivatives=self.solver.frechet_deriv_propagators, dims=self.dims, remove=self.remove ) return -1. * derivative_fid
[docs]class StateNoiseInfidelity(CostFunction): """ Averages the state infidelity over noise traces. TODO: * support super operator formalism * implement gradient * docstring """ def __init__(self, solver: solver_algorithms.SchroedingerSMonteCarlo, target: matrix.OperatorMatrix, label: Optional[List[str]] = None, computational_states: Optional[List[int]] = None, rescale_propagated_state: bool = False, neglect_systematic_errors: bool = True ): if label is None: label = ['State Infidelity', ] super().__init__(solver=solver, label=label) self.solver = solver # assure target is a bra vector if target.shape[0] > target.shape[1]: = target.dag() else: = target self.computational_states = computational_states self.rescale_propagated_state = rescale_propagated_state self.neglect_systematic_errors = neglect_systematic_errors if target is None and not neglect_systematic_errors: print('The systematic errors must be neglected if no target is ' 'set!') self.neglect_systematic_errors = True
[docs] def costs(self) -> np.float64: """See base class. """ n_traces = self.solver.noise_trace_generator.n_traces infidelities = np.zeros((n_traces,)) if self.neglect_systematic_errors: if self.computational_states is None: target = self.solver.forward_propagators[-1] else: target = self.solver.forward_propagators[ -1].truncate_to_subspace( self.computational_states, map_to_closest_unitary=self.rescale_propagated_state ) target = target.dag() else: target = for i in range(n_traces): final = self.solver.forward_propagators_noise[i][-1] infidelities[i] = 1. - state_fidelity( target=target, propagated_state=final, computational_states=self.computational_states, rescale_propagated_state=self.rescale_propagated_state ) return np.mean(infidelities)
[docs] def grad(self) -> np.ndarray: """See base class. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class OperationInfidelity(CostFunction): """Calculates the infidelity of a quantum channel. The infidelity of a quantum channel described by a unitary evolution or propagator in the master equation formalism. Parameters ---------- solver: `Solver` The time slot computer simulating the systems dynamics. target: `ControlMatrix` Unitary target evolution. label: list of str Indices of the returned infidelities for distinction in the analysis. fidelity_measure: string, optional If 'entanglement': the entanglement fidelity is calculated. Otherwise an error is raised. super_operator_formalism: bool, optional If true, the time slot computer is expected to return a propagator in the super operator formalism, while the target unitary is not given as super operator. If false, no super operators are assumed. computational_states: list of int, optional If set, the chosen fidelity is only calculated for the specified subspace. map_to_closest_unitary: bool, optional If True, then the final propagator is mapped to the closest unitary before the infidelity is evaluated. Attributes ---------- solver: TimeSlotComputer The time slot computer simulating the systems dynamics. target: ControlMatrix Unitary target evolution. fidelity_measure: string If 'entanglement': the entanglement fidelity is calculated. Otherwise an error is raised. super_operator_formalism: bool If true, the time slot computer is expected to return a propagator in the super operator formalism, while the target unitary is not given as super operator. If false, no super operators are assumed. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the fidelity measure is not 'entanglement'. Todo: * add the average fidelity? or remove the fidelity_measure. * gradient does not truncate to the subspace. """ def __init__(self, solver: solver_algorithms.Solver, target: matrix.OperatorMatrix, fidelity_measure: str = 'entanglement', super_operator_formalism: bool = False, label: Optional[List[str]] = None, computational_states: Optional[List[int]] = None, map_to_closest_unitary: bool = False ): if label is None: if fidelity_measure == 'entanglement': label = ['Entanglement Infidelity', ] else: label = ['Operator Infidelity', ] super().__init__(solver=solver, label=label) = target self.computational_states = computational_states self.map_to_closest_unitary = map_to_closest_unitary if fidelity_measure == 'entanglement': self.fidelity_measure = fidelity_measure else: raise NotImplementedError('Only the entanglement fidelity is ' 'currently supported.') self.super_operator = super_operator_formalism
[docs] def costs(self) -> float: """Calculates the costs by the selected fidelity measure. """ final = self.solver.forward_propagators[-1] if self.fidelity_measure == 'entanglement' and self.super_operator: infid = 1 - entanglement_fidelity_super_operator( propagator=final,, computational_states=self.computational_states ) elif self.fidelity_measure == 'entanglement': infid = 1 - entanglement_fidelity( propagator=final,, computational_states=self.computational_states, map_to_closest_unitary=self.map_to_closest_unitary ) else: raise NotImplementedError('Only the entanglement fidelity is ' 'implemented in this version.') return np.real(infid)
[docs] def grad(self) -> np.ndarray: """Calculates the derivatives of the selected fidelity measure with respect to the control amplitudes. """ if self.fidelity_measure == 'entanglement' and self.super_operator: derivative_fid = deriv_entanglement_fid_sup_op_with_du( forward_propagators=self.solver.forward_propagators,, reversed_propagators=self.solver.reversed_propagators, unitary_derivatives=self.solver.frechet_deriv_propagators, computational_states=self.computational_states, ) elif self.fidelity_measure == 'entanglement': derivative_fid = derivative_entanglement_fidelity_with_du( forward_propagators=self.solver.forward_propagators,, reversed_propagators=self.solver.reversed_propagators, propagator_derivatives=self.solver.frechet_deriv_propagators, computational_states=self.computational_states, ) else: raise NotImplementedError('Only the average and entanglement' 'fidelity is implemented in this ' 'version.') return -1 * np.real(derivative_fid)
[docs]class OperationNoiseInfidelity(CostFunction): """ Averages the operator fidelity over noise traces. Parameters ---------- solver: `Solver` The time slot computer simulating the systems dynamics. target: `ControlMatrix` Unitary target evolution. label: list of str Indices of the returned infidelities for distinction in the analysis. fidelity_measure: string, optional If 'entanglement': the entanglement fidelity is calculated. Otherwise an error is raised. computational_states: list of int, optional If set, the chosen fidelity is only calculated for the specified subspace. map_to_closest_unitary: bool, optional If True, then the final propagator is mapped to the closest unitary before the infidelity is evaluated. neglect_systematic_errors: bool If true, the mean operator fidelity is calculated with respect to the simulated propagator without statistical noise. Otherwise the mean operator fidelity is calculated with respect to the target propagator. Attributes ---------- neglect_systematic_errors: bool If true, the standard deviation of the operator fidelity is measured. Otherwise the mean operator fidelity is calculated with respect to the target propagator. """ def __init__(self, solver: solver_algorithms.SchroedingerSMonteCarlo, target: Optional[matrix.OperatorMatrix], label: Optional[List[str]] = None, fidelity_measure: str = 'entanglement', computational_states: Optional[List[int]] = None, map_to_closest_unitary: bool = False, neglect_systematic_errors: bool = True): if label is None: label = ['Operator Noise Infidelity'] super().__init__(solver=solver, label=label) self.solver = solver = target self.computational_states = computational_states self.map_to_closest_unitary = map_to_closest_unitary self.fidelity_measure = fidelity_measure self.neglect_systematic_errors = neglect_systematic_errors if target is None and not neglect_systematic_errors: print('The systematic errors must be neglected if no target is ' 'set!') self.neglect_systematic_errors = True def _to_comp_space(self, dynamic_target: matrix.OperatorMatrix) -> matrix.OperatorMatrix: """Map an operator to the computational space""" if self.computational_states is not None: return dynamic_target.truncate_to_subspace( subspace_indices=self.computational_states, map_to_closest_unitary=self.map_to_closest_unitary, ) else: return dynamic_target def _effective_target(self) -> matrix.OperatorMatrix: if self.neglect_systematic_errors: return self._to_comp_space(self.solver.forward_propagators[-1]) else: return
[docs] def costs(self): """See base class. """ n_traces = self.solver.noise_trace_generator.n_traces infidelities = np.zeros((n_traces,)) target = self._effective_target() if self.fidelity_measure == 'entanglement': for i in range(n_traces): final = self.solver.forward_propagators_noise[i][-1] infidelities[i] = 1 - entanglement_fidelity( propagator=final, target=target, computational_states=self.computational_states, map_to_closest_unitary=self.map_to_closest_unitary ) else: raise NotImplementedError('Only the entanglement fidelity is ' 'currently implemented in this class.') return np.mean(np.real(infidelities))
[docs] def grad(self): """See base class. """ target = self._effective_target() n_traces = self.solver.noise_trace_generator.n_traces num_t = len(self.solver.transferred_time) num_ctrl = len(self.solver.h_ctrl) derivative = np.zeros((num_t, num_ctrl, n_traces,)) for i in range(n_traces): temp = derivative_entanglement_fidelity_with_du( target=target, forward_propagators=self.solver.forward_propagators_noise[i], propagator_derivatives= self.solver.frechet_deriv_propagators_noise[i], reversed_propagators=self.solver.reversed_propagators_noise[i], computational_states=self.computational_states ) if self.neglect_systematic_errors: temp_target = self._to_comp_space( self.solver.forward_propagators_noise[i][-1]) temp += derivative_entanglement_fidelity_with_du( target=temp_target, forward_propagators=self.solver.forward_propagators, propagator_derivatives= self.solver.frechet_deriv_propagators, reversed_propagators=self.solver.reversed_propagators, computational_states=self.computational_states ) derivative[:, :, i] = np.real(temp) return np.mean(-derivative, axis=2)
[docs]class LiouvilleMonteCarloEntanglementInfidelity(CostFunction): """ Entanglement infidelity for a combination of Monte Carlo and Liouville description. The propagators are first mapped to the super operator formalism in Liouville space. Next, they are averaged and finally we calculate the entanglement infidelity. Systematic errors cannot be neglected in the current formulation. Parameters ---------- solver: `Solver` The time slot computer simulating the systems dynamics. target: `ControlMatrix` Unitary target evolution. label: list of str Indices of the returned infidelities for distinction in the analysis. computational_states: list of int, optional If set, the chosen fidelity is only calculated for the specified subspace. """ def __init__(self, solver: solver_algorithms.SchroedingerSMonteCarlo, target: Optional[matrix.OperatorMatrix], label: Optional[List[str]] = None, computational_states: Optional[List[int]] = None): if label is None: label = ['Super Operator M.C. Ent. Infidelity'] super().__init__(solver=solver, label=label) self.solver = solver = target self.computational_states = computational_states
[docs] def costs(self): """See base class. """ n_traces = len(self.solver.forward_propagators_noise) dim = self.solver.forward_propagators_noise[0][0].shape[0] propagator = type( self.solver.forward_propagators_noise[0][0])( np.zeros([dim ** 2, dim ** 2])) for propagators_by_trace in \ self.solver.forward_propagators_noise: propagator += convert_unitary_to_super_operator( propagators_by_trace[-1]) propagator *= (1 / n_traces) infid = 1 - entanglement_fidelity_super_operator( propagator=propagator,, computational_states=self.computational_states ) return infid
[docs] def grad(self): """See base class. """ raise NotImplementedError('The derivative of the cost function ' 'LiouvilleMonteCarloEntanglementInfidelity' ' has not been implemented' 'yet.')
[docs]class OperatorFilterFunctionInfidelity(CostFunction): """ Calculates the infidelity with the filter function formalism. Parameters ---------- solver: `Solver` The time slot computer simulating the systems dynamics. label: list of str Indices of the returned infidelities for distinction in the analysis. noise_power_spec_density: Callable The noise power spectral density in units of inverse frequencies that returns an array of shape (n_omega,) or (n_nops, n_omega). In the first case, the same spectrum is taken for all noise operators, in the second, it is assumed that there are no correlations between different noise sources and thus there is one spectrum for each noise operator. The order of the noise terms must correspond to the order defined in the solver by filter_function_h_n. omega: Sequence[float] The frequencies at which the integration is to be carried out. """ def __init__(self, solver: solver_algorithms.Solver, noise_power_spec_density: Callable, omega: Sequence[float], label: Optional[List[str]] = None): if label is None: label = ['Infidelity Filter Function', ] super().__init__(solver=solver, label=label) self.noise_power_spec_density = noise_power_spec_density self._omega = omega @property def omega(self): if self._omega is None: if self.solver.pulse_sequence is None: self.solver.create_pulse_sequence() self._omega = filter_functions.util.get_sample_frequencies( pulse=self.solver.pulse_sequence, n_samples=200, spacing='log', ) return self._omega
[docs] def costs(self) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """ The infidelity is calculated with the filter function package. See its documentation for more information. Returns ------- costs: Union[float, np.ndarray] The infidelity. """ if self.solver.pulse_sequence is None: self.solver.create_pulse_sequence() infidelity = filter_functions.numeric.infidelity( pulse=self.solver.pulse_sequence, spectrum=self.noise_power_spec_density(,, cache_intermediates=True, n_oper_identifiers=self.solver.filter_function_n_oper_identifiers, ) return infidelity
[docs] def grad(self): """ The gradient of the infidelity is calculated with the filter function package. See its documentation for more information. Raises ------ NotImplementedError This method has not been implemented yet. """ if self.solver.pulse_sequence is None: self.solver.create_pulse_sequence() c_id = ['Control' + str(i) for i in range(len(self.solver.h_ctrl))] derivative = filter_functions.gradient.infidelity_derivative( pulse=self.solver.pulse_sequence, spectrum=self.noise_power_spec_density(,, control_identifiers=c_id, n_oper_identifiers=self.solver.filter_function_n_oper_identifiers, n_coeffs_deriv=self.solver.filter_function_n_coeffs_deriv_vals ) # what comes from ff: # num_noise_contribution, num_t, num_ctrls_direction # need to return: (num_t, num_f, num_ctrl) derivative = derivative.transpose(1, 0, 2) return derivative
[docs]class LeakageError(CostFunction): r"""This class measures leakage as quantum operation error. The resulting infidelity is measured by truncating the leakage states of the propagator U yielding the Propagator V on the computational basis. The infidelity is then given as the distance from unitarity: infid = 1 - trace(V^\dag V) / d Parameters ---------- solver : TimeSlotComputer The time slot computer computing the propagation of the system. computational_states : list of int List of indices marking the computational states of the propagator. These are all but the leakage states. label: list of str Indices of the returned infidelities for distinction in the analysis. """ def __init__(self, solver: solver_algorithms.Solver, computational_states: List[int], label: Optional[List[str]] = None): if label is None: label = ["Leakage Error", ] super().__init__(solver=solver, label=label) self.computational_states = computational_states
[docs] def costs(self): """See base class. """ final_prop = self.solver.forward_propagators[-1] clipped_prop = final_prop.truncate_to_subspace( self.computational_states) temp = clipped_prop.dag(do_copy=True) temp *= clipped_prop # the result should always be positive within numerical accuracy return max(0, 1 - / clipped_prop.shape[0])
[docs] def grad(self): """See base class. """ num_ctrls = len(self.solver.frechet_deriv_propagators) num_time_steps = len(self.solver.frechet_deriv_propagators[0]) derivative_fidelity = np.zeros(shape=(num_time_steps, num_ctrls), dtype=np.float64) final = self.solver.forward_propagators[-1] final_leak_dag = final.dag(do_copy=True).truncate_to_subspace( self.computational_states) d = final_leak_dag.shape[0] for ctrl in range(num_ctrls): for t in range(num_time_steps): temp = self.solver.reversed_propagators[::-1][t + 1] \ * self.solver.frechet_deriv_propagators[ctrl][t] temp *= self.solver.forward_propagators[t] temp = temp.truncate_to_subspace(self.computational_states) temp *= final_leak_dag derivative_fidelity[t, ctrl] = -2. / d * return derivative_fidelity
[docs]class IncoherentLeakageError(CostFunction): r"""This class measures leakage as quantum operation error. The resulting infidelity is measured by truncating the leakage states of the propagator U yielding the Propagator V on the computational basis. The infidelity is then given as the distance from unitarity: infid = 1 - trace(V^\dag V) / d Parameters ---------- solver : TimeSlotComputer The time slot computer computing the propagation of the system. computational_states : list of int List of indices marking the computational states of the propagator. These are all but the leakage states. label: list of str Indices of the returned infidelities for distinction in the analysis. TODO: * adjust docstring """ def __init__(self, solver: solver_algorithms.SchroedingerSMonteCarlo, computational_states: List[int], label: Optional[List[str]] = None): if label is None: label = ["Incoherent Leakage Error", ] super().__init__(solver=solver, label=label) self.solver = solver self.computational_states = computational_states
[docs] def costs(self): """See base class. """ final_props = [ props[-1] for props in self.solver.forward_propagators_noise ] clipped_props = [ prop.truncate_to_subspace(self.computational_states, map_to_closest_unitary=False) for prop in final_props ] temp = [ c_prop.dag(do_copy=True) * c_prop for c_prop in clipped_props ] result = [ 1 - / len(self.computational_states) for product in temp ] result = np.mean(np.asarray(result)) return result
[docs] def grad(self): """See base class. """ raise NotImplementedError('Derivatives only implemented for the ' 'coherent leakage.')
[docs]class LeakageLiouville(CostFunction): r"""This class measures leakage in Liouville space. The leakage is calculated in Liouville space as matrix element. In pseudo Code: L = < projector leakage space | Propagator | projector comp. space > Parameters ---------- solver : TimeSlotComputer The time slot computer computing the propagation of the system. computational_states : list of int List of indices marking the computational states of the propagator. These are all but the leakage states. label: list of str Indices of the returned infidelities for distinction in the analysis. verbose: int Additional printed output for debugging. input_unitary: bool If True, then the input is assumed to be formulated in the standard Hilbert space and thus expressed as unitary propagator. This propagator is then expressed as superoperator. monte_carlo: bool If True, then we make a monte carlo simulation and average over the propagators. """ def __init__(self, solver: solver_algorithms.Solver, computational_states: List[int], label: Optional[List[str]] = None, verbose: int = 0, input_unitary: bool = False, monte_carlo: bool = False): if label is None: label = ["Leakage Error Lindblad", ] super().__init__(solver=solver, label=label) self.computational_states = computational_states dim = self.solver.h_ctrl[0].shape[0] self.dim_comp = len(self.computational_states) self.verbose = verbose operator_class = type(self.solver.h_ctrl[0]) # create projectors projector_comp = operator_class( np.diag(np.ones([dim, ], dtype=complex))) projector_leakage = operator_class( np.diag(np.ones([dim, ], dtype=complex))) for state in computational_states: projector_leakage[state, state] = 0 projector_comp -= projector_leakage # vectorize projectors self.projector_leakage_bra = ket_vectorize_density_matrix( projector_leakage).transpose() self.projector_comp_ket = ket_vectorize_density_matrix(projector_comp) self.input_unitary = input_unitary self.monte_carlo = monte_carlo
[docs] def costs(self): """See base class. """ if self.input_unitary: if self.monte_carlo: n_traces = len(self.solver.forward_propagators_noise) dim = self.solver.forward_propagators_noise[0][0].shape[0] propagator = type( self.solver.forward_propagators_noise[0][0])( np.zeros([dim ** 2, dim ** 2])) for propagators_by_trace in \ self.solver.forward_propagators_noise: propagator += convert_unitary_to_super_operator( propagators_by_trace[-1]) propagator *= (1 / n_traces) else: propagator = convert_unitary_to_super_operator( self.solver.forward_propagators[-1]) else: if self.monte_carlo: n_traces = len(self.solver.forward_propagators_noise) dim = self.solver.forward_propagators_noise[0][0].shape[0] propagator = type( self.solver.forward_propagators_noise[0][0])( np.zeros([dim, dim])) for propagators_by_trace in \ self.solver.forward_propagators_noise: propagator += propagators_by_trace[-1] propagator *= (1 / n_traces) else: propagator = self.solver.forward_propagators[-1] leakage = (1 / self.dim_comp) * ( self.projector_leakage_bra * propagator * self.projector_comp_ket ) if self.verbose > 0: print('leakage:') print(leakage[0, 0]) # the result should always be positive within numerical accuracy return[0]
[docs] def grad(self): """See base class. """ raise NotImplementedError('The derivative of the cost function ' 'LeakageLiouville has not been implemented' 'yet.')
[docs]@deprecated def derivative_entanglement_fidelity( control_hamiltonians: List[matrix.OperatorMatrix], forward_propagators: List[matrix.OperatorMatrix], reversed_propagators: List[matrix.OperatorMatrix], delta_t: List[float], target_unitary: matrix.OperatorMatrix) -> np.ndarray: """ Derivative of the entanglement fidelity using the grape approximation. dU / du = -i delta_t H_ctrl U Parameters ---------- control_hamiltonians: List[ControlMatrix], len: num_ctrl The control hamiltonians of the simulation. forward_propagators: List[ControlMatrix], len: num_t +1 The forward propagators calculated in the systems simulation. reversed_propagators: List[ControlMatrix] The reversed propagators calculated in the systems simulation. delta_t: List[float], len: num_t The durations of the time steps. target_unitary: ControlMatrix The target unitary evolution. Returns ------- derivative_fidelity: np.ndarray, shape: (num_t, num_ctrl) The derivatives of the entanglement fidelity. """ target_unitary_dag = target_unitary.dag(do_copy=True) trace = np.conj(((forward_propagators[-1] * target_unitary_dag).tr())) num_ctrls = len(control_hamiltonians) num_time_steps = len(delta_t) d = target_unitary.shape[0] derivative_fidelity = np.zeros(shape=(num_time_steps, num_ctrls), dtype=complex) for ctrl in range(num_ctrls): for t in range(num_time_steps): # we take the imaginary part because we took a factor of i out derivative_fidelity[t, ctrl] = 2 / d / d * delta_t * np.imag( trace * (reversed_propagators[::-1][t + 1] * control_hamiltonians[ctrl] * forward_propagators[t + 1] * target_unitary_dag).tr()) return derivative_fidelity
[docs]@needs_refactoring def averge_gate_fidelity(unitary: matrix.OperatorMatrix, target_unitary: matrix.OperatorMatrix): """ Average gate fidelity. Parameters ---------- unitary: ControlMatrix The evolution matrix of the system. target_unitary: ControlMatrix The target unitary to which the evolution is compared. Returns ------- fidelity: float The average gate fidelity. """ dim = unitary.shape[0] orthogonal_operators = default_set_orthorgonal(dim=dim) temp = unitary.dag(do_copy=True) * target_unitary temp = [ort.dag(do_copy=True) * temp.dag(do_copy=True) * ort * temp for ort in orthogonal_operators] fidelity = temp[0] for i in range(1, dim ** 2): fidelity += temp[i] fidelity = ( + dim ** 2) / (dim ** 2 * (dim + 1)) return fidelity
[docs]@needs_refactoring def default_set_orthorgonal(dim: int) -> List[matrix.OperatorMatrix]: """ Set of orthogonal matrices for the calculation of the average gate fidelity. Currently only for two dimensional systems implemented. Parameters ---------- dim: int The systems dimension. Returns ------- orthogonal_operators: List[ControlMatrix] Orthogonal control matrices. """ sigma_x = np.asarray([[0, 1], [1, 0]]) sigma_y = np.asarray([[1, 0], [0, -1]]) sigma_z = np.asarray([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]]) if dim == 2: orthogonal_operators = [sigma_x, sigma_y, sigma_z, np.eye(2)] orthogonal_operators = [matrix.DenseOperator(mat) for mat in orthogonal_operators] else: raise NotImplementedError("Please implement a set of orthogonal " "operators for this dimension.") return orthogonal_operators
[docs]@deprecated def derivative_average_gate_fidelity(control_hamiltonians, propagators, propagators_past, delta_t, target_unitary): """ The derivative of the average gate fidelity. """ unity = matrix.DenseOperator( np.eye(propagators[0].data.shape[0])) propagators_future = [unity] for prop in propagators[::-1]: propagators_future.append(propagators_future[-1] * prop) propagators_future = propagators_future[::-1] dim = control_hamiltonians[0, 0].shape[0] orthogonal_operators = default_set_orthorgonal(dim=dim) num_time_steps, num_ctrls = control_hamiltonians.shape derivative_fidelity = np.zeros(shape=control_hamiltonians.shape, dtype=complex) for ctrl in range(num_ctrls): for t in range(num_time_steps): bkwd_prop_target = propagators_future[t + 1].dag() * target_unitary temp = 0 for ort in orthogonal_operators: lambda_ = bkwd_prop_target * ort.dag(do_copy=True) lambda_ *= bkwd_prop_target.dag() rho = propagators_past[t + 1] * ort rho *= propagators_past[t + 1].dag() # everything rewritten to operate in place temp_mat2 = control_hamiltonians[t, ctrl] * rho temp_mat2 -= rho * control_hamiltonians[t, ctrl] temp_mat = lambda_ temp_mat *= -1j temp_mat *= delta_t temp_mat *= temp_mat2 temp += # temp += (lambda_ * -1j * delta_t * ( # control_hamiltonians[t, ctrl] * rho # - rho * control_hamiltonians[t, ctrl])).tr() derivative_fidelity[t, ctrl] = temp / (dim ** 2 * (dim + 1)) return derivative_fidelity
[docs]@needs_refactoring def derivative_average_gate_fid_with_du(propagators, propagators_past, unitary_derivatives, target_unitary): unity = matrix.DenseOperator( np.eye(propagators[0].data.shape[0])) propagators_future = [unity] for prop in propagators[::-1]: propagators_future.append(propagators_future[-1] * prop) propagators_future = propagators_future[::-1] dim = propagators[0].shape[0] orthogonal_operators = default_set_orthorgonal(dim=dim) num_time_steps, num_ctrls = unitary_derivatives.shape derivative_fidelity = np.zeros(shape=unitary_derivatives.shape, dtype=complex) for ctrl in range(num_ctrls): for t in range(num_time_steps): bkwd_prop_target = propagators_future[t + 1].dag() * target_unitary temp = 0 for ort in orthogonal_operators: lambda_ = bkwd_prop_target * ort.dag() lambda_ *= bkwd_prop_target.dag() rho = propagators_past[t] * ort rho *= propagators_past[t + 1].dag() # everything rewritten to operate in place temp_mat2 = unitary_derivatives[t, ctrl] * rho # here we assume, that the orthogonal operators are self # adjoined temp_mat2 += rho.dag() * unitary_derivatives[t, ctrl].dag() lambda_ *= temp_mat2 temp += derivative_fidelity[t, ctrl] = temp / (dim ** 2 * (dim + 1)) return derivative_fidelity